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  1. #1
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Default Policy on banning members?

    Just curious ... it occurs to me that recently a lot of members seem to carry the attribute "banned" under their name de plume. Some of them come back and some disappear again (and again). Many disappear forever (not sure, whether they are "banned for life" - or just don't bother anymore to contribute to a forum where banning members seems to become more and more the norm).

    As well some threads seem to move / disappear and sometimes appear again like the flying Dutchman. Not sure, whether this is a related effect or just a coincidence?

    I had a look through the FAQ, but couldn't find any guidelines or policy related to moderators banning members. Maybe I didn't look in the right place - or is this a decision the moderator makes up on the go?

    So - still typing (i.e. I might be still unbanned) ...

    Question 1: Is there a policy on banning members on sharetrader, and if yes - are we allowed to see it?

    As well wondering what the benefit of banning members is for the forum. Obviously - if people break the law or are offending others, than I can see why you want to get rid of them - but otherwise? If members are just annoying for others (and one members nuisance might be another members inspiration), than it is quite easy to put them on "ignore" - no need to ban.

    I feel that sharetrader lost already a lot of not just colourful but as well very worthwhile contributors and valuable information due to the recent banning spree. Personally I think that this is a pity. I am concerned that if we keep going that way we might end up in a situation where members just ban themselves from this forum because it gets too bland. hotcopper is waiting for them (oh - hope they don't ban me for mentioning the competition?).

    Question 2: Obviously - this is a great medium to discuss the New Zealand sharemarket (but so are others) and I am thankful that I could use it for learning and contribution about the share market. I think however it would help to better understand the motives of the site operators and moderators. Lets assume you ban everybody ... would this just mean that you have from now on a more enjoyable life and a peaceful forum ("rest in peace" springs to mind), or do you see any benefits for you to keep some members life (i.e. unbanned) on the forum?
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I seem to miss the reasons for the bannings,but really miss the contributions the banned ones make.
    I have learnt so much from them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I think its mainly the ole play the ball ,not the player---disagreeing and explaining why seems safe---i would imagine when the mod sees 10 posts ,all between the same poster (back and forth) alarm bells go off----(my take)

  4. #4
    ShareTrader Legend Beagle's Avatar
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    I echo Blackpeter's and Percy's concerns noted above.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hamilton New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Roger View Post
    I echo Blackpeter's and Percy's concerns noted above.
    Me too......

  6. #6
    Advanced Member robbo24's Avatar
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    New Zealand

    Thumbs up

    Me too, I keep getting banned
    'I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.' - G B Shaw

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013


    As someone that has been banned a couple of times I agree its about those who play the player rather than the ball & I have been guilty of this a few times. I do find it a little tough when a poster disparages you personally etc and you get banned for reacting to that. However I suppose we should be able to rise above & let others decide what derogatory comments mean about the poster rather than who its targeted at. Generally I think the moderators do a pretty good job & probably could be a bit tougher or do what Hot Copper does and deletes individual posts that are irrelevant to the thread or considered baiting.

    I think they need a suspended mode for those who are only temporarily banned or sitting in the naughty chair.
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  8. #8
    Advanced Member robbo24's Avatar
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    FYI - there are actually rules for the forum:

    I've highlighted some of my favourite parts. Although, I do wonder how an anonymous pseudonym can be defamed (in terms of intra-member fights! ) unless by some innuendo a reader can reasonably figure out who the victim is. Just saying.

    To boil it down for you, Sharetrader is like living in Somalia and the STMOD (who is a fairly reasonable kind of person it seems) decides whether you live or die:

    By accessing, using and posting material on Tarawera Publishing Ltd's ("Tarawera") share information web site ("Sharetrader"), you as the User agree to abide by the following terms, conditions and rules ("Agreement"). While Tarawera invites Users to engage in open discussion and presentation of views on Sharetrader, Tarawera and Users agree to seven basic rules designed to maintain Sharetrader as an interesting, informative, and legally permissible forum:
    1. Users will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of Sharetrader by other Users (for example, by harassing or threatening another participant of the message boards, including the use of expressions of bigotry, racism, sexism, hatred, or profanity);

    2. Users will not use Sharetrader to conduct any activity that is illegal (such as misleading and deceptive conduct) or violates the rights of others, provide instructional information about illegal activities, or promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual;

    3. Users will not use Sharetrader to advertise or sell products or services (including financial products and services such as securities) to others; or for spamming purposes to promote or encourage members to purchase products, services, or membership recruitment to others; doing so may incur a fee
    4. Users will not post or transmit material that is libellous, defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, harmful, threatening, or abusive, that violates the property rights of others (including without limitation copyright or trademark), that violates the privacy or publicity right of others, or that is used to circumvent manufacturer-installed copy-protection devices, including digital watermarks and registration numbers for software programs;

    5. Users will not post or disclose any personally identifiable information belonging to children or displaying material that exploits persons under 18 years of age;

    6. Users will not impersonate another User or Tarawera staff member; and

    7. User shall not post information on the site if they are a licensed investment adviser or representative of a licensed investment adviser.

    Tarawera has no responsibility for the content of any material posted by Users and Users are individually liable for the accuracy and authenticity of their postings. User profiles and any content posted by Users contains the opinions and views of theirs or others and Tarawera is not responsible for such content. Users should also be aware that it may be difficult to identify and locate the person making postings therefore taking legal action may not be possible.
    If a User violates this Agreement or if Tarawera believes in good faith that any portion of the material a User posts is infringing any copyrights or proprietary rights after Tarawera becomes aware of such breach, Tarawera reserves the right in its sole discretion to:

    1. edit or delete in whole or in part such User's posted material appearing on Sharetrader;

    2. refuse access to all or portions of Sharetrader to such User; and/or
    3. terminate such User's right to access or use and/or membership.
    'I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.' - G B Shaw

  9. #9
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Cheers for reminding us. I guess most of these rules make a lot of sense - and the reminder is justifiable from the viewpoint of the operator (and given that they pay the bills, they may as well pick the tune). Not sure I understand rule 7, but this is another thread (and not really my concern).

    This is however all quite high level stuff and allows for lots of interpretation. I guess I was looking for some a bit more specific guidance on the temporary and permanent banning of members, but that might be too much asked for on a "free" forum.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  10. #10
    Advanced Member robbo24's Avatar
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    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
    Cheers for reminding us. I guess most of these rules make a lot of sense - and the reminder is justifiable from the viewpoint of the operator (and given that they pay the bills, they may as well pick the tune). Not sure I understand rule 7, but this is another thread (and not really my concern).

    This is however all quite high level stuff and allows for lots of interpretation. I guess I was looking for some a bit more specific guidance on the temporary and permanent banning of members, but that might be too much asked for on a "free" forum.
    Rule 7 probably seeks to avoid the forum becoming a conduit for AFAs and other "paid professionals" and other "non-paid non-professionals" from trying to peddal their wares on the forum. Thereby reducing the likelihood that the forum itself is liable for foolhardy advice given by nicknames on the internet.

    In my experience, long winded forum rules don't really amount to much except something for the moderator to point to when they ban you at their discretion on their terms.

    Unfortunately you do not pay good consideration to Tarawera Publishing Ltd so there is not very much you can do by way of enforcement of the policy.

    Forum moderators usually care very little hearing about member's interpretations of the forum rules once they've decided to ban them...

    To conclude: be nice to STMOD because he's really cool and nobody is as cool or smart as STMOD
    'I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.' - G B Shaw


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