Everyone entitled to an opinion...Seeing that a poster is a holder is sufficient ...anything else is just unnecessary unless they are substantial (top ten) holder or they are somehow connected to the company. Both of these elements should be disclosed in my view. In fact I believe that this is presently in the rules somewhere. As for whether or not one is a holder doesn't stop anyone from posting. How much weight is put on the post is as you say based mostly on the content and its relevance, However I personally believe that comments coming from holders or previous holders carry a bit more weight. Others may not but living through an experience surely should carry some meaning? Re your second point as to "nosey parkers", you are obviously a thick skinned person who can deal with a bit of grief..that's great but its not all about you here. Unfortunately some people a easily put off and can be adversely affected by something you would just shrug off. I don't mind being labelled a "nosy parker" if by reporting a post it shows some solidarity and sensitivity to someone who has been embarrassed and or humiliated. Unfortunately we are not all created equal in our ability to withstand hardships so I believe we should not assume that everyone will "harden up". I guess that makes me a "nancy boy" LOL
Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
Still not sure what value this adds. And fraught with difficulty. For example I've posted on the RIS thread. What do you want to know. That I am a holder, how many I own (couldn't tell you - no idea), How much I paid for them (no idea - came from some convoluted backdoor process), How much are they worth now (no Idea since I dont know how many I hold)

Say I want to contribute to PEB of which I hold none. So I'm going to tell you I hold 20,000. Happy now?

Having or not having skin in the game I dont think adds anythng other than nosey parkers seeing what I hold. It doesn't enhance my ability to analyse the issues and have an opinion. Its a forum afterall. The most respected opinions ought to be the ones backed by evidence

And Rule One - I guess it gets up my nose when people take offence on behalf of others. For example I have been called all sorts of things in threads. I've a thick skin and dont take offence. I'd be mortified if someone complained on my behalf - I'm quite able to do it myself. I accept there are some thinner skinned people. This is a sharetrader forum not some nancy world where we need to be looking after the vulnerable - they should stay on the TradeMe message boards. If a person cant take a bit of stick being in the sharemarket probably isn't for them - and if they are upset they ought to have a free call to the Mods to call a halt.