Looking at retirement figures once kids are 18+ and self sufficient think 60k would do my wife and I for a nice life with a small bit of travel and some sporadic part time work/business on the side for treats.

Currently we have a mortgage free forever home (3 bed, 2 bath) in Tauranga and 250k in KiwiSaver and non KiwiSaver funds. ItÂ’s 100% in Total World Fund. The aim is to sell off units in the fund 5k month/60k a year once we reach the 4% withdrawal $1.5 mill figure.

However this is a fair bit of time away. Wondering if there is a better option to allow greater than 4% withdrawal? Thinking commercial property funds and living off the dividends or similar with PIE status? Have built up most of our wealth in residential property rentals but have none currently sold them last year.