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  1. #271
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    Question remains why, in the first place, is an accused murderer, on electronic bail? So if the Police state don't approach and consider him a danger to society so why was he on home D? This is out of control
    We have to remember that Judges are almost always former lawyers, often defence lawyers. A Judge is a person who sits in Judgement, and historically is expected to make wise decisions. 'Wisdom' to me is something that to me should involve common sense decision making, ideally producing beneficial outcomes. The people who make these 'judgements' are demonstrably not the people with the most wisdom amongst us, they are just people emerging from the legal fraternity who have gone through a series of hierachical steps to get where they are. These hierachical steps require political instincts.
    The pool of Judges is a closed shop, it is off limits to many suitable people who may make wise decisions for the benefit of society. It is purely a receptacle for the kinds of human beings who become lawyers, and ultimately the ones who have the best political instincts. That's your answer when you ask 'why' this happened.

    Therefore we should not be surprised when Judges make idiotic decisions, naively and stupidly releasing alleged murderers - murderers being people who unlawfully and wantonly kill other humans - out into the community with nothing more than an 'electronic bracelet' on their leg. How recently had the *alleged* killer *allegedly* killed? The memory of taking a persons life is still *allegedly* fresh in his psyche, the smell of their blood still *allegedly* lingering faintly in his nostrils - and he is put in a position where he can very easily abscond and take more lives. The police don't charge someone with murder without very strong grounds to do so.
    Last edited by Logen Ninefingers; 17-09-2023 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #272
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    Question remains why, in the first place, is an accused murderer, on electronic bail? So if the Police state don't approach and consider him a danger to society so why was he on home D? This is out of control

    Not to mention Reid, who was the murderer in downtown Auckland recently was also on home D for kicking and strangling a women breaking her back
    All part of the pro-crims policies of Hipkins, Ardern & Labour - reduce prison population by releasing criminals into the community and remember too that they believe ‘criminals are victims too’.

  3. #273
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    Crime rampage intensifying -


    'High speed on rims': Rampant youths in stolen cars smash their way into five shops

    Blair Ensor
    11:40, Sep 19 2023

    ‘Fast food, sports goods, vapes and liquor: Rampant youths have smashed their way into an array of stores in an overnight wave of crime in Christchurch.

    In one of the busiest nights in recent history for the city’s police, 10 young people, all in stolen cars, were arrested - while others managed to escape capture.

    Four of the youths were arrested after the vehicle they were in was spiked by officers. A video posted to social media shows a car fleeing officers with a caption: “High speed on rims.”

    In three hours of mayhem, young people smashed their way into at least five businesses, including a vape store, a sports shop, a liquor store and a fast food outlet. The burglaries and ram raids spanned all corners of the city - Sumner, Wigram, Riccarton and Papanui.

    Ten youths were caught by officers, and police were “actively trying to locate another group”.’

  4. #274

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    It’s like the plot of Seven Samurai / The Magnificent 7 / A Bugs Life:
    A gang of outlaws come to town, predate on the townspeople, then eventually leave promising they will return.
    Except this is not a movie, this is real life; this is happening now, in our country.


    ‘Coromandel Town locals have been left fearful after members of the Rebels gang spent the weekend attacking and terrorising people in the town centre.

    Starting on Friday, members of the public have been attacked, business owners have been intimidated, and a number of thefts have been reported, according to the local business association.

    One video shared with the Herald shows at least a dozen gang members assaulting a group of three men outside the Coromandel Smoking Company, a fish shop on Tiki Rd.
    Up to 10 men, some in Rebels patches, surround a young man, kicking and punching him as he lays on the ground.

    Most of the incidents happened on or near the main street of the town. The gang left town on Sunday but told several business owners they would be back.’

  6. #276
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    But #4 police minister in 1 year Ginny Anderson stated that all NZers are feeling safe because of the extra police officers this Labour government has added in the last 6 years!

    What happened?

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    But #4 police minister in 1 year Ginny Anderson stated that all NZers are feeling safe because of the extra police officers this Labour government has added in the last 6 years!

    What happened?

    ‘Labour is fudging the numbers when it claims to have added 1,800 Police officers, with about 15 per cent of that number having no powers to arrest or role on New Zealand’s streets, National’s Police spokesperson Mark Mitchell says.

    “In 2018, Labour promised it would recruit 1,800 additional Police, which ministers repeatedly said would be made up entirely of sworn uniformed officers out on the beat.

    “New revelations in the New Zealand Herald today show that 270 of the officers Labour used to claim it hit the target are not sworn officers, but authorised officers.

    “While authorised officers have an important role, they are not sworn frontline officers. They do not have the training or the powers of arrest of a Police Officer. They cannot be deployed or respond to a call for help.

    "Further, 50 of those 270 authorised officers appeared on the muster in May this year, the month before the Government said it had met its target of 1,800 additional sworn uniformed officers.

    “Questions remain as to how 20 per cent of the authorised officers miraculously appeared on the muster the month before the celebration, enabling the Government to scrape past the target by just two officers, two years after it initially claimed it would reach the target.

    “This reeks of a Government under immense pressure because it is soft on crime and has overseen startling rises in retail crime, violent crime, and gang numbers.

    “Police Minister Ginny Andersen has repeatedly claimed New Zealanders feel safer because the Government has delivered 1,800 new frontline Police. It appears this claim is based on a falsehood.

    “Unlike Labour, National will crack down on offenders and restore law and order in New Zealand. We’ll restore fiscal discipline and fix the economy, so we can afford the resources frontline Police need to keep Kiwis safe.”’

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    But #4 police minister in 1 year Ginny Anderson stated that all NZers are feeling safe because of the extra police officers this Labour government has added in the last 6 years!

    What happened?
    What happened indeed?! Closest cop was an hour away apparently. Also interesting Stuff (and its related network), TVNZ, RNZ didn't run the story - Did Willie have a word?
    Last edited by causecelebre; 20-09-2023 at 03:26 PM.

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    What happened indeed?! Closest cop was an hour away apparently. Also interesting Stuff (and its related network), TVNZ, RNZ didn't run the story - Did Willie have a word?
    Wild west behaviour in a New Zealand town, a gang comes to town and wrecks havoc before riding out again, and the bulk of the media won’t cover it. I don’t even have the words to describe what is happening in our country, it is too sad, too dispiriting.

  10. #280
    Join Date
    May 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Wild west behaviour in a New Zealand town, a gang comes to town and wrecks havoc before riding out again, and the bulk of the media won’t cover it. I don’t even have the words to describe what is happening in our country, it is too sad, too dispiriting.
    The corrupt media is of much more concern than the gang.


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