Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
I've seen what the prior council failed their city at ,I've seen what the commissioners achieved.Im hopeful of new blood,new councillors with the skill sets to achieve great things for our city.But it is fraught with risk ,especially if we get some of the wrong uns back.
Is that you Shadrach?
So because a previous council in Tauranga was dysfunctional, you believe that all Councils going forward will be dysfunctional? You live in Tauranga, yet seem to have formed a view that the people that live here are inherently incapable of putting together a Council due to some sort of collective mental unsuitability. What a totally bizarre view-point: democracy is dangerous and must be replaced by dictatorship, as one Council was once ‘dysfunctional’.

Your comment about how you gad about on your bicycle and think everything is marvellous is very revealing. As you cycle gleefully past endless roadworks, orange cones as far as the eye can see, traffic jams, and struggling businesses you may be having the time of your life but 95% of the inhabitants of Tauranga hate the unelected Commissioners with a passion and want them gone. The sooner the planned $300+ million ‘civic precinct’ with its white elephant buildings - including a museum and ‘civic whare’ - is scrapped, the better. In fact, it should be the first act of the new Council. The new step is reinstate parking areas and attract real businesses back into the city. The ‘civic precinct’ is nothing more than a massive rort & vanity project at the expensive of suffering ratepayers.