Quote Originally Posted by Grimy View Post
Thanks again LM.
Interesting that if they sell down to under 50% they will consider the future repayment of the PPS, not definitely pay them back.
I am guessing they probably would because of the 9 million saving they mention, but hey, you never know.
Will happily sit on my 6.64% and see how things play out.
I may even buy a few more........
Yes "consider" is odd wording given the PDS, i suspect they did that out of concern for their continuous disclosure obligations.

The PWC report itself states that the PPS would be repaid for a selldown to under 50%. The assumption is also that this all takes place in Q4 this year.

Anyway at 92.5 they are less of a raging buy than they were at 85-86, nevertheless i would buy more if they dropped back towards 90c.