hey Mattyroo,
first of all....
you are a great asset to have at this thread...you have insight from a different angle that I just cannot provide... So thankyou for posting....

mattyroo-"Oyong will not add greatly to the share price until production, it may even cause negativity if their is more bad news to be announced or gets out and about."

this is the exact reason why I did not push the stock earlier, but SP has come up and Oyong has gotton closer... CUE had the exact same problem that NZO had over the last few years.... CUE just like NOZ had multiple Projects all a few years from production and development was soldiering along... and SP was flat or dropping...
now that production is coming close, then SP is starting to re-rate...
and Oyong is substantial revenues to CUE if it can get 1500 barrels per day as a recent announcement suggests...expected flow rates (8k to 10k per day at 15%)....

So yes I have miss interpreted The way that CUE would re-rate because I thought Oyong would get delayed further this year (and it did) and because of all the negativity around Oyong that the Market would wait for production to re-rate this one...

The thing about CUE is that on a forward looking basis, Oyong could dissapear, Jeruk could dissapear and Maari could Drive the CUE ship all the way... some of CUEs other permits look amazing in principle... and I will no doubt go over some of them...
which will be explored sooner when Oyong comes online...

mattyroo-"Maari will be delayed, as is always with these projects, it is not a matter of if and when, but for how long. But, once production starts and those 35000 bbopd start flowing on to the Raroa, share price will rise most definitely. The interesting thing will be how much CUE gets re-rated as Maari production nears."

well because CUE willnot be a spec oiler when Maari production comes around... SP will rise up much sooner IMO...
But none the Less I do feel that attaching a 100% return to this company is absolutely appropriate and watching the shrewd rumble with CUE is not a problem...

I will detail CUE more indepth soon...