
View Poll Results: Should there be a Capital Gains Tax on Property

131. You may not vote on this poll
  • No

    213 100.00%
  • Yes

    74 56.49%
  • Goff is just an idiot

    2,147,483,658 100.00%
  • Epic fail for Labour

    1,935 100.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #641
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    oh right, thank goodness. Those views are not that worthy of a first world country.

    Only two things in life are certain, death and taxes.
    In some other forums placing a "/s" at the end shows sarcasm though not sure what the practice is on this one.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 15-07-2020 at 10:51 AM.

  2. #642
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    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Perhaps sarcasm is not as easily picked up in the written form. But to spell it out I would suggest that taxation is not the destroyer of wealth and societies it is made out to be and I posted the article about Stephen Tindall because I thought it showed that there are some successful generous people out there who care for more than just themselves. This view was not shared by a couple of posters on this thread and blackcap suggested he is a "virtue signaling idiot" which I am not sure what it means but the idiot on the end would indicate it has a negative connotation.

    Although I am pretty sure debt and/or printing money will be the preferred option for voters and their politicians over raising taxes on either side of the house.
    The reason I called Tindall a virtue signalling idiot is that is exactly what he is with his call. He is trying to be virtuous without actually taking any action himself. It would reflect a lot better on him if he actually paid more to the tax coffers and shut up about it. He is trying to look virtuous to others without actually being virtuous. Just like the politicians with their intent to take a pay cut during the Wuflu lockups, but in the end how many actually took a pay cut? Again, more virtue signalling. It seems to be a disease that afflicts the left proportionally in larger numbers. (in my humble experience)

  3. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    The reason I called Tindall a virtue signalling idiot is that is exactly what he is with his call. He is trying to be virtuous without actually taking any action himself. It would reflect a lot better on him if he actually paid more to the tax coffers and shut up about it. He is trying to look virtuous to others without actually being virtuous. Just like the politicians with their intent to take a pay cut during the Wuflu lockups, but in the end how many actually took a pay cut? Again, more virtue signalling. It seems to be a disease that afflicts the left proportionally in larger numbers. (in my humble experience)
    I would be concerned if Stephen Tindall an unelected representative had any control over the tax system. Possibly he is trying to sway public opinion and therefore politicians in regard to raising taxes on the wealthy. To me it means more coming from some one wealthy rather than some one looking for a hand out. I suspect you would be critical of any person who raises the possibility of a tax increase.
    Last edited by Aaron; 15-07-2020 at 09:29 AM.

  4. #644
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    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Perhaps sarcasm is not as easily picked up in the written form. ...
    It was masterful sarcasm. I read it with the voice of John Cleese!

    Sarcasm or not? John Cleese..
    Last edited by Bjauck; 15-07-2020 at 09:38 AM.

  5. #645
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    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    I would be concerned if Stephen Tindall an unelected representative had any control over the tax system. Possibly he is trying to sway public opinion and therefore politicians in regard to raising taxes on the wealthy. To me it means more coming from some one wealthy rather than some one looking for a hand out.
    Possibly he is and possibly he is trying to look like a decent man, caring for society that he is willing to be taxed more. (lets not forget the rubbish he imported from China into NZ with his red sheds and that damage that that caused) Maybe he is wanting the tax rates to go up, however he and the other millionaires are quite happy to pay their accountants and advisors to minimise their tax burden anyway. He looks good (calling for higher tax) but in practice pays no more. He should just shut up, and pay the money to the tax coffers. Or even better donate to his local community and bypass bureaucracy and other money wasting pen pushers.

  6. #646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Perhaps sarcasm is not as easily picked up in the written form. .
    The sarcasm was picked up real easy. Was very well written. So that you did not need to put an /s or whatever after your post. It was literally dripping!

  7. #647
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    Possibly he is and possibly he is trying to look like a decent man, caring for society that he is willing to be taxed more. (lets not forget the rubbish he imported from China into NZ with his red sheds and that damage that that caused)
    It's called the free market, something you support or not hard to tell?
    Disappointed in the sort of stuff the opposition want with Tiwai.. only Lab it seems can be relied on to uphold market principles.

  8. #648
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Point taken, I will vote for the party at the next election that proposes to scrap taxes and rely on individuals intelligence and generosity to donate to the most worthwhile things that affect them directly, indirectly and not at all.

    Unfortunately though, I appreciate you are very generous and know how best to spend your money. I on the other hand hate paying tax and would be more inclined to keep what I earn rather than donating it, if I don't have to. Also I lack the intelligence or broad information required to know how best to donate my money to have the greatest impact/benefit to the country as a whole.

    I also lack the time or inclination to put in the effort required to make your proposal feasible. Possibly I am alone in this regard but suspect there may be others like me and that you Zaphod are one of a very select few with the generosity and intelligence to make such a system work. Although from what I read on this thread there are a lot more people on here like you than I meet in everyday society.
    Your ad hominem attack would be much more effective if you actually used points that I had raised, rather than fabricating your own. For example, can you cite where I stated, or even implied, that taxes should be scraped?
    Last edited by Zaphod; 15-07-2020 at 10:22 AM.

  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaphod View Post
    Your ad hominem attack would be much more effective if you actually used points that I had raised, rather than fabricating your own. For example, can you cite where I stated that taxes should be scraped?
    I am sorry you see my posts as attacks on you personally. Although I hate paying tax I do see it as a necessary evil. So my posts were meant to be promoting my view rather than attacking you.

    Your right you don't state that taxes should be scrapped I have obviously inferred too much from your statement which I have copied and pasted below.

    "We have given regular support to the local health board redevelopment project, donated infrastructure to the council parks division, etc. That's a much more efficient method than doing so via tax, but obviously Stephen prefers compulsion amongst his peers."

    I obviously mistook "That's a much more efficient method than doing so via tax" as meaning private individuals donating for public services was a more efficient method of paying for public services rather than taxation. The inference I took was that scraping taxes and relying on individual generosity was a better way forward. Was I the only one to make this inference based on Zaphod's post on this site??

    I swore off the political threads a couple of years ago, rather than upset people perhaps I should stick to that.
    Last edited by Aaron; 15-07-2020 at 10:34 AM.

  10. #650
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    P.s and in no way should my arguments detract from your donations to your local community. It is a wonderful thing and you should be proud and I write this without any sarcasm at all.


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