  1. #12471
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    Rant? Really? I am neither apologist or spokes person for any party. It was a comparative observation and discussion point. fwiw, I am non-aligned and have not yet decided how I'll vote.

    However I don't think Auckland housing and infrastructure is coping adequately for its existing population. If that coincides with Labour opinion, then so be it.
    Sorry - just you were echoing the same words some Labour guy said the other day.

    And yes a lot of stuff needs to be sorted in Auckland .....but it's been like that for a while and nobody seems to spend the necessary
    ”When investors are euphoric, they are incapable of recognising euphoria itself “

  2. #12472
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    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Sorry - just you were echoing the same words some Labour guy said the other day.

    And yes a lot of stuff needs to be sorted in Auckland .....but it's been like that for a while and nobody seems to spend the necessary
    oh ok. I don't always follow the thread or politics in general... I thought I was being more original than was actually the case it seems! Apologies for repetition.

    Auckland issues have been in the too hard basket for a long time. Long term horizons have been needed for yonks for things ranging from sewerage to PT.
    Last edited by Bjauck; 22-06-2017 at 05:01 PM.

  3. #12473
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    Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
    How many of these are you billeting, el Zorro?
    I wasn't going to run it past her indoors. A few are coming to Hamilton, where they will be well looked after.
    Last edited by elZorro; 22-06-2017 at 09:08 PM.

  4. #12474
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    Barclay already forgotten.. looks like Labour have been playing naughty boys:
    Little brought in McCarten to fix Labour´s significant ills, against the wishes and approval of most senior MPs. It has turned out to be a disastrous appointment and has damaged Little rather than helping him. One of them is already gone, the other on his way out. Only a question of time. Would have happened already if Labour had a decent candidate to take over from him.

    Also quite funny to see this, a Party making noises about stopping immigration of low skilled labour while at the same time partaking in slave labour itself.
    Last edited by iceman; 22-06-2017 at 09:24 PM.

  5. #12475
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    Little brought in McCarten to fix Labour´s significant ills, against the wishes and approval of most senior MPs. It has turned out to be a disastrous appointment and has damaged Little rather than helping him. One of them is already gone, the other on his way out. Only a question of time. Would have happened already if Labour had a decent candidate to take over from him.

    Also quite funny to see this, a Party making noises about stopping immigration of low skilled labour while at the same time partaking in slave labour itself.
    The party didn't do anything of the kind. Once Labour knew what was going on, it made immediate steps to sort it out.

    Regarding immigration, we have yet another record for the 12 months to May 2017. NZers balanced themselves out.

    So National is determined to keep the whole charade going, at least until the election.

  6. #12476
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    Quote Originally Posted by elZorro View Post
    The party didn't do anything of the kind. Once Labour knew what was going on, it made immediate steps to sort it out.
    Don't make me laugh... you know that is a blatant lie. They knew full well what was going on, maybe Andrew Little did not but the party did. Labour are saying they knew nothing to save face and wriggle out of what could be a very messy legal position. Either way be it true or not... its perception that counts and most people I know know that Matt McCarten is the dirty politics arm of the Labour Party. I think Matt is synonymous with Lynton (albeit without the Sir )
    Last edited by blackcap; 24-06-2017 at 07:19 AM.

  7. #12477
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    Or whoever will let him be P.M. And Labour/greens would just about have to, given that neither of their leaders is P.M material. Winnie would be in like a robber's dog if he could get P.M role. I wouldn't discount it.

    Oh stop it fungus. You know as well as I do that Winston's angling to be the Governor General.

  8. #12478
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    I think the Left Whingers need to note a couple of things.

    (1) the proportion of home ownership in NZ is about 60%. These home owners are secretly watching the increase in value of their property and in the secrecy of the ballot box they will be voting for the party that that will allow it to continue - National.
    And as long as this proportion is 50 or more that will continue.

    (2) the lesson of Christchurch which seems to have completely gone over Labour/Greens head.
    After the earthquakes DOOM was forecast for Christchurch, not enough housing, not enough housing for the construction workers to rebuild Christchurch, huge inflation for Christchurch.
    Didn't happen. The higher demand induced higher supply, and more temporary housing was erected. Now the peak has passed, some of the temporary housing has been taken away, rents are very reasonable compared to the North Island and property prices are reasonable compared to the North Island and the inflation hasn't happened. The peak of the rebuild has passed. And National will win the Party Vote for Christchurch again.

  9. #12479
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTM 3442 View Post
    Oh stop it fungus. You know as well as I do that Winston's angling to be the Governor General.
    Yeah but he might fancy a stint as P.M. on the way.

  10. #12480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Major von Tempsky View Post
    I think the Left Whingers need to note a couple of things.

    (1) the proportion of home ownership in NZ is about 60%. These home owners are secretly watching the increase in value of their property and in the secrecy of the ballot box they will be voting for the party that that will allow it to continue - National.
    And as long as this proportion is 50 or more that will continue.

    (2) the lesson of Christchurch which seems to have completely gone over Labour/Greens head.
    After the earthquakes DOOM was forecast for Christchurch, not enough housing, not enough housing for the construction workers to rebuild Christchurch, huge inflation for Christchurch.
    Didn't happen. The higher demand induced higher supply, and more temporary housing was erected. Now the peak has passed, some of the temporary housing has been taken away, rents are very reasonable compared to the North Island and property prices are reasonable compared to the North Island and the inflation hasn't happened. The peak of the rebuild has passed. And National will win the Party Vote for Christchurch again.
    I think we need to keep "the lesson of Christchurch" in perspective, major. How much demand has been reduced by emigration from the city? How much industry and commerce has relocated? How much has tourism been impacted and the number of tourists reduced? All these factors have acted to reduce pressure on housing. Nevertheless, I agree that National should win the party vote in Christchurch again.

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