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  1. #5121
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    Cut and pasted from whaleoil's site I see Cuzz. Great source of news, unbiased opinion and fact is that site. Do you think Jason is a real person? Or perhaps a figment of Slater's diseased mind?
    Cool, I know it must be for you belg, because I didn't mention it was Whale Oil, but you just did. Read there often belg? Why would Jason not be a real person, the message is bang on?
    This is also cool: PM summoned to hearing

    At least we will know the truth before the election, that wont be good for Labour.

  2. #5122
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    LOL ...Why indeed? .... (ROTFLMAO!)
    Keep that up and you're in danger of becoming a ROTFLMAOTARD. Didn't think you would like the reply and I guess I was right. Why indeed, because that is obvious unless you see things through dirty left eyes.

  3. #5123
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    Remember what happened last time you two.. Cuzzie, you rise to the bait too easily.

    I have just had to lend out my Hager books again. People want to be more informed.

  4. #5124
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    Wow this is getting deeper and something smells all the way up to the PM's office at least; unbelievable, and shocking. More and more will find themselves on the moving hook even those that think they are safe/hidden and anyone with any connection to BigSea Elephant Grease will be exposed . To think tax payers money may have been used is sickening.

  5. #5125
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
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    Default Have I got this right ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Wow this is getting deeper and something smells all the way up to the PM's office at least; unbelievable, and shocking. More and more will find themselves on the moving hook even those that think they are safe/hidden and anyone with any connection to BigSea Elephant Grease will be exposed . To think tax payers money may have been used is sickening.
    Or am I missing something?

    Here, NZ political news is not always covered as comprehensively a one might like.

    The subject of a SFO investigation pays a PR consultant, who then pays some bloggers who then write blogposts critical of the CEO of the SFO.

    The Minister of Justice (responsible for the SFO) then provides further information to the blogger(s) for them to use in their postings.

    And this surfaces in the middle of an election campaign.

    And the Minister of Justice then resigns.

    Just what is going on, in the South Pacific Banana Republic of New Zealand?

    Can someone please tell me I have misunderstood something, or bridge the gaps for me?

  6. #5126
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    The NZ voter has realised that concepts like fairness, integrity, honour, openness, truth, honesty, compassion, due process, etc are, in fact, very, very valid election issues.

    They thought their govt was behaving correctly. Now they know these values have been placed secondary to a single party's lust for dominance and they've been manipulated.

    Until these values are restored ... This is what this election will be about.

    Without such values being reflected by our government then all other issues take the back seat. Why? Simple. There will be no trust between voters and government.

    Those calling for a return to debating "policy" are, for the most part, like Cuzzie: trying to do whatever they can to pretend that concepts like fairness, integrity, honour, openness, truth, honesty, compassion, due process, etc are less important than they actually are.
    Cuzzie, and others like MVT, are the last to talk about policy, it's more like whether someone looks "shifty", or repeating other snippets that the blog sites instilled in people's shallow thinking. I'll know Labour will win by a landslide if some of my relatives change long-held opinions. But even a gentle slide to the left will work at the end of the day.

  7. #5127
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
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    Default Yes, but. . .

    Thank you for the interpretation and analysis, gentlemen, but mine was an honest question. Have I missed something, or is the situation as I described ?

    Sorry to be pedantic, but as a seeker after truth and knowledge. . .

  8. #5128
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    I have a very dear relative who will probably always vote National. She thinks that John Key looks tired and should have a holiday. While I doubt that will happen this side of the election, I tend to agree with her. He looks tired, unsure of himself, more ordinary.

  9. #5129
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    GTM, your synopsis above is of a single event that occurred in the last day or so. Taken in isolation it looks trivial if you're truly have been way from the news. And if you wish to trivialise each event by taking each in isolation and pretending they're unrelated, then fine. But if you truly want to see these events as a pattern, as a seeker after truth and knowledge, then I suggest you spend $35 and read Hager's book. Or, if the book may take too long to reach you, you could go back about 4 months on this thread and follow what makes many in NZ so angry ... There are plenty of links from some of us and our commentary that goes with it ...
    Oh Belgarion!

    I don't know how you can characterise this as trivial. It has ramifications in all sorts of directions. It's absolutely terrifying!

    This has the potential to be a game-changer, and to lose National the election.

    Or, they may do a Richard Nixon (1972) and win the election then lose the government.

    I'm not sure which would be worse!

  10. #5130
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    GTM, your synopsis above is of a single event that occurred in the last day or so. Taken in isolation it looks trivial if you're truly have been way from the news. And if you wish to trivialise each event by taking each in isolation and pretending they're unrelated, then fine. But if you truly want to see these events as a pattern, as a seeker after truth and knowledge, then I suggest you spend $35 and read Hager's book. Or, if the book may take too long to reach you, you could go back about 4 months on this thread and follow what makes many in NZ so angry ... There are plenty of links from some of us and our commentary that goes with it ...
    Oh Belgarion!

    I don't know how you can characterise this as trivial. It has ramifications in all sorts of directions. It's absolutely terrifying!

    I don't see why you persist on seeing it as a political matter.

    Based on what I haveread, there appears to have been a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. And based on what I have read, it seems that the Minister of Justice was either a member of the conspiracy, or an accessory to the conspiracy.

    This seems to me to be a criminal matter, rather than a political matter.

    Can someone please reassure me that the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General, and the NZ Police are burning the midnight oil on this one?
    Last edited by GTM 3442; 01-09-2014 at 12:04 AM. Reason: Second thoughts

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