  1. #10281
    Join Date
    May 2013


    LOL. Its you who referred to the "fundamental law of nature" but now it apparently only applies to man.
    Which is exactly my point & that obviously went straight over your head.
    Its only mankind that acts this way, i.e. with greed.
    And we need to change.

    Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
    Once again you open the mouth before the brain. Greed, in this respect was clearly referring to a human condition. Daytr your mindless pursuit of of the baubles of your own imagination and your stoic belief in every bit of nonsense that comes into your mind leaves me no option but to ignore this forum from this point forward. You can now have the last word with the assurance that, whatever you write, I will not read it. I will be too busy leading a very successful life under a National government on my few acres of paradise, content with my contribution to society. You and whatever party has the misfortune to have your vote can go on into the mindless foggy future you enjoy.
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  2. #10282
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    LOL. Its you who referred to the "fundamental law of nature" but now it apparently only applies to man.
    Which is exactly my point & that obviously went straight over your head.
    Its only mankind that acts this way, i.e. with greed.
    And we need to change.
    It seems to me that those who waffle on about greed think the way to solve the worlds problems is to take someone else's earnings through some sort of redistribution system like progressive taxes.
    Or should we all just stay in bed when you think we've got enough?

  3. #10283
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Well what seems to you, is quite different to reality.
    There is earning and achieving fairly and on merit and then there is exploiting loop holes and gaining advantage at others or the environment's expense to a degree that is harmful or creates extremes.

    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    It seems to me that those who waffle on about greed think the way to solve the worlds problems is to take someone else's earnings through some sort of redistribution system like progressive taxes.
    Or should we all just stay in bed when you think we've got enough?
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  4. #10284
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    It seems to me that those who waffle on about greed think the way to solve the worlds problems is to take someone else's earnings through some sort of redistribution system like progressive taxes.
    Or should we all just stay in bed when you think we've got enough?
    It seems to me rather strange that someone whose only talent is they look nice and can pretend they are someone else, or play some form of professional sport rather well, or even read a tv monitor can be treated as a celebrity and be paid extreme amounts of money. However I also think professional sport should be relegated to the entertainment or business sections of the media. Sport is played by amateurs.
    And then all those hard workers who capitalize on the (unearned in my view) profits of property and other transactions and then complain about being taxed are again in my view being a little selfish.
    I am all for a progressive tax system.


  5. #10285
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
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    How will we keep warm in winter once we have burned all the rich people?

  6. #10286
    Join Date
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    I recon there would be enough fuel to last for some time....
    Seriously though, there is no crime in being successful, although the way we measure success is questionable imo.
    Pay tax to the intent of the law and make the tax system fairer by closing down some of the gaping holes in the system.
    Income tax and perhaps GST might actually be abed to be lowered or at least the government could actually fund services more fully.

    Quote Originally Posted by GTM 3442 View Post
    How will we keep warm in winter once we have burned all the rich people?
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  7. #10287
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    CNI area NZ


    I see John Key got his personal lawyer to lobby MP McClay about changes to the trusts structures that were being requested by IRD. About a year later the govt announced no changes would be made, status quo. So one person between John Key and his interests, and actual govt policy.

    John's looking shaky now, folks. No wonder Craic's wandered off for a while, too many good replies from the lefties, and John's tenure not looking so secure. Daytr, if it makes you feel any better, last time Craic wandered off this thread, it was because of some of my posts. He'll come back, if National looks like more of a winner.

    Getting more and more impressed with James Shaw, Green Party (One News). He's really good in front of the camera. Why couldn't Andrew Little have come up with those lines, and delivered them with assurance? We have to make these chinks in the armour open right up if we want a change of government.

  8. #10288
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    Got to wait for more revelations, which is scheduled for today, from Panama Papers for me to have any verdict on the PM's Trust set up. But keep the the conversations going as I have never voted National or Labour for the past 3 or 4 elections

  9. #10289
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by elZorro View Post
    I see John Key got his personal lawyer to lobby MP McClay about changes to the trusts structures that were being requested by IRD. About a year later the govt announced no changes would be made, status quo. So one person between John Key and his interests, and actual govt policy.

    John's looking shaky now, folks. No wonder Craic's wandered off for a while, too many good replies from the lefties, and John's tenure not looking so secure. Daytr, if it makes you feel any better, last time Craic wandered off this thread, it was because of some of my posts. He'll come back, if National looks like more of a winner.

    Getting more and more impressed with James Shaw, Green Party (One News). He's really good in front of the camera. Why couldn't Andrew Little have come up with those lines, and delivered them with assurance? We have to make these chinks in the armour open right up if we want a change of government.
    So in your opinion , JK rang up his lawyer and told him to lobby McLay. Stretching it again eZ.

  10. #10290
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    CNI area NZ


    Quote Originally Posted by 777 View Post
    So in your opinion , JK rang up his lawyer and told him to lobby McLay. Stretching it again eZ.
    I guess it can't be proven either way. It certainly seems likely, 777. Even a couple of ex-farmers I know reckon they can't trust John Key further than they could throw him. At their age, it's not very far. This is a sea-change in support, as far as I'm aware.

    No problem, John Key can dispel all the rumours by simply showing the nation his tax returns for the last few years, as Andrew Little has done. I'm sure we'll all be most impressed if it turns out John has paid over a million dollars a year in income tax to the NZ govt, which would be expected from his rich list status. Now, that would hurt, but it's also a fair amount if you earn over $5mill of income in a year. How many rich-listers would really pay that sort of tax, I wonder? How hard will they organise their affairs so they don't pay it?
    Last edited by elZorro; 29-04-2016 at 09:32 PM.

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