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  1. #8191
    Join Date
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    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by elZorro View Post
    The staff member was probably fired because of the likely impact on the businesses' reputation amongst foreign buyers.
    That would be illegal I believe.... so I think the staff member was fired for breaching their contract.

  2. #8192
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Sorry BP, I like a lot of others don't want a bigger population. Short & simple.
    I don't want NZ to end up like everywhere else in the world with too many people etc,
    The data is already available & this register is a nonsense.
    Simply marry up registered property owners with the Census.
    There is a problem & National are choosing to ignore it. Labour & NZF are highlighting the issue.
    National & its supporters are using a diversion tactic of pulling the race card.
    As said over & over neither Labour or NZF's policies are racist & you are just pulling out a red herring to divert away from the real issue.
    Immigration and foreign property purchases need to be reigned in.
    Look daytr, if you feel inconvenienced by an increasing NZ population - this is probably a valid view (though not the only valid one) and a totally different discussion. Successive governments (including Labour) had a different view ... maybe you need to tell them, not me.

    Discussing the pros and cons of immigration is a valid discussion in any country. Pulling foreign (or better Chinese) sounding names out of an alleged list of house buyers has nothing to do with an informed discussion about immigration. It is dirty racism - not different to the early Nazi movement in Germany boycotting shops owned by people with "Jewish sounding" names.

    If you want a balanced discussion about immigration - be my guest. However I still can't believe that you are really standing up to defend a bunch of politicians who just want to gain political capital out of exposing a racial minority in our society and incite hatred against them. It was not me pulling the race card - it was Labour who said: look at these bad people with Chinese sounding name, they bought a house which otherwise some first home buyer with Anglo-Saxon sounding name could have got. Surely - you can't be that blind that you don't see what's wrong with this cheap attack against Chinese in our society?
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  3. #8193
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    No its not a different discussion its directly related. Immigration & foreign property ownership quite obviously tie directly in with population.

    It wasn't an attack it was data. You are blowing this out of all proportion as is the media & as I said its a red herring, diverting from the real issue.
    You do like extremes, last week it was pedophiles, mass murderers & now Nazis. This is why I put myself forward for the role of counsellor ...
    You can choose to ignore facts or work with them.
    Chinese property buying is having a massive influence on the property market in Auckland.
    There are dedicated real estate agents targeting offshore Chinese buyers, these are all facts.
    Auctions translated in Chinese for the same reason.
    Now this could be any group of people, but right now its the Chinese as they are growing super power in the world, like Japan was 40 years ago.
    The main difference this time around is that there are around 15 times as many Chinese than Japanese so the impact will be & is much bigger.
    So something can either be done about it, or let it continue unabated as National are choosing to let happen.
    All the policies are across all nationalities they are not racist as you have agreed, so stick to discussing policy rather than red herrings.
    Your option was to push them to the regions. Who would fund the required infrastructure? Sewage, roading etc? It would be far more expensive than having them centralized in Auckland & it appears its not what (immigrants) they want.
    I for one don't want to share my fishing spots with any more people! ;-)
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  4. #8194
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    You do like extremes, last week it was pedophiles, mass murderers & now Nazis. This is why I put myself forward for the role of counsellor ...
    How you must love these terms. I used them once some days ago - and I think in a quite appropriate context, but you continue to parrotting these terms without the context I used on a basically daily basis. Maybe you should start to counsel yourself?

    Related to the Nazi - example - I think it is quite appropriate. Not sure whether you learned history at all in school, but if you replace "Chinese" with "Jewish" in Labour's statements - that's how it started in Germany in the mid 1930'ies. Germans have been asked to boycott Jewish shops. No talk at that stage about killing Jews or starting a war against everybody, just don't buy from them. Sure - we all know how the Nazi story ended - but at this stage I compare the beginnings, and they are quite similar.

    By the way - how do you think that Chinese or other Asian NZ citizens feel about Labour inciting racial hatred against people with Chinese sounding names? I guess you don't care - do you?

    I am not sure - maybe you just keep this discussion going to damage the Labour party (you insist of being no "Leftie" ...), but in case you want to support them, than I propose you stop digging .
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  5. #8195
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    John Keys address to fed farmers November 2014

    Key says dairy upturn closeThe question was where the price would go “and my view is that it is going to bottom out pretty soon and start going back the other way”.

  6. #8196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Pepper View Post
    John Keys address to fed farmers November 2014

    Key says dairy upturn closeThe question was where the price would go “and my view is that it is going to bottom out pretty soon and start going back the other way”.
    Just as well he's not in futures trading anymore. Or is he?

    Stoploss posted articles on the huge size of dairy production facilities in China, on another thread. We designed the herringbone shed, the rotary dairy platform too. Look how well that's going for us. They don't just have one rotary platform in these massive overseas factories, they'll have dozens of them. Often run by Chinese workers at a fraction of the hourly rates that NZ farmers pay, and a lot more efficiently, a 24 hour cycle. The milk is being produced using feedstock bought in from elsewhere, the milk and byproducts are produced relatively close to their markets, no major transport costs. NZ firms are helping this process along.

    My question is, what do you do with a dairy farm in NZ, when it's not worth milking cows on it?
    Last edited by elZorro; 17-07-2015 at 07:40 AM.

  7. #8197
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Surely - Leftie's always claiming they could further improve NZ's place in the world (and how hard they work by inciting racism ...) - but actually achieving place 6 out of 144 in government efficiency (according to the latest WEF report) is not too bad for the current government - isn't it?

    New Zealand has the sixth most efficient government in the world, according to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

    The WEF's Global Competitiveness Report 2014 - 2015 rated the efficiency of 144 of the world's governments.

    Its efficiency criteria including wasteful government spending, heaviness of regulation and transparent policymaking.

    The report found the world's most efficient government was Qatar, followed by Singapore, Finland, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates.

    Venezuela led the world for inefficiency, with Italy second ahead of Argentina, Lebanon and Libya.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  8. #8198
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    Actually your mention of the other extremes were completely out of context & you chose to go there. Perhaps read your own posts.

    Really, relating Labour to Nazis is quite appropriate ? Give me a break.
    One minute people on here are calling them communists & now they are Nazis.
    I wish the extreme right would make up their mind.
    So me saying Northland is around 50% Maori, or 50% European for that matter, would make me a Nazi as well would it?
    Virtually every government document asks if you are of Maori decent. Is this racist? Or is it just gathering information that can be used?
    Its not that I don't care, its a beat up & again you seem to want to concentrate on the red herring & beef up than the issue at hand.
    I studied history & like most people I know where the policies of the 3rd Reich led. Are you really implying that's where Labour would take us?
    If someone is perpetuating hatred, referring to one of the major political organizations as having Nazis policy or antics could perhaps be described as the same.
    Disgraceful & I suggest we move on as its not in my everyday life that I need to discuss mass murder, pedophiles & Nazis in reference to NZ politics.
    You have said that I only look at the negatives and I'm not constructive enough, (which I happen to disagree with) well this sort of conversation is more than negative, its down right perverse.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
    How you must love these terms. I used them once some days ago - and I think in a quite appropriate context, but you continue to parrotting these terms without the context I used on a basically daily basis. Maybe you should start to counsel yourself?

    Related to the Nazi - example - I think it is quite appropriate. Not sure whether you learned history at all in school, but if you replace "Chinese" with "Jewish" in Labour's statements - that's how it started in Germany in the mid 1930'ies. Germans have been asked to boycott Jewish shops. No talk at that stage about killing Jews or starting a war against everybody, just don't buy from them. Sure - we all know how the Nazi story ended - but at this stage I compare the beginnings, and they are quite similar.

    By the way - how do you think that Chinese or other Asian NZ citizens feel about Labour inciting racial hatred against people with Chinese sounding names? I guess you don't care - do you?

    I am not sure - maybe you just keep this discussion going to damage the Labour party (you insist of being no "Leftie" ...), but in case you want to support them, than I propose you stop digging .
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  9. #8199
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    Christchurch, , France.


    But are Communists and Nazis any different from each other? As you go further to the right end of the political spectrum you get closer and closer to the left end of the spectrum and the politics become more and more identical in practice.

    Take Hitler and Stalin. In practice how were their policies any different? They weren't. Both practiced total government intervention in the economy, both eliminated millions of people on racial or other grounds, both invaded other countries at the drop of a hat, both were totally cynical and hypocritical, both ignored the rule of law and both were totally undemocratic although Hitler did win more than one referendum. If you are going to accuse someone of being a Nazi you may as well accuse them of being a Communist at the same time. Don't forget NAZI came from National Socialist movement, it had it's roots in the German working classes. Which socialist/communist party in the world today is not also a patriotic nationalist movement? None. Trotsky lost out decades ago and has never been replaced. According to Marxist theory the Communist state, when it had achieved its objectives would wither away - no sign of that happening. Or maybe it's just another sign of the identity of the political extremes "that government governs best which governs least" parallels the withering away of the Communist state. Given the identity of the 2 extremes what is the point of calling someone a Nazi or a Communist? They are both the same!

  10. #8200
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    MVT, yes I think we know the political spectrum is circular, however Labour or National are neither which is more the point I am making.
    I have said previously some of National's policies are far right or extreme right, but I would refrain from relating them to being Nazis as its ridiculous, although I could suggest they persecute the poor in favour of the better off...
    Calling either National or Labour Nazis or that sort of extreme is right up there with dirty politics & quite frankly does no one any favours, particularly those espousing such nonsense.
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

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