So...what to many has felt like the inevitable has finally happened and we have community transmission of the Delta variant.

Go hard and go early, means we are in a level 4 hard lockdown in the Auckland and Coromandel regions, initially for 7 days and for the rest of the country, initially 3 days.

Some business support is said to be forthcoming, I haven't heard the detail yet.

Already we saw some effect on NZX shares today.

Questions presenting.

1. Can we beat the Delta variant back to buy us more time for more widespread vaccinations ?

2. Are these initial lockdown's likely to be extended ?

3. Should I be buying, selling or simply playing possum in the headlights ?

4. If I am buying or selling what is vulnerable to further pullback and why and what should I be looking to buy and when ?

Let the debate begin...please keep it civil and constructive, I know these are emotive times but can we try and do what Cindy always says and be kind to one another ?

Two very early initial thoughts to kick off this debate.

I am on record as saying KPG is directly in the firing line of another Covid outbreak, so I see potential for further meaningful downside there and I may target a reentry significantly below today's closing price, if it gets to a level I find attractive in due course.

Stating the obvious but I think this Delta variant will be much harder to beat than earlier variants so the possibility of an extended national lockdown is probably pretty high.