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  1. #261
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    The CEO is still buying shares at market on a regular basis.
    Plenty of confidence in that.

  2. #262
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    The CEO is still buying shares at market on a regular basis.
    Plenty of confidence in that.
    Always good when a ceo backs their own product .....

  3. #263
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by stoploss View Post
    Always good when a ceo backs their own product .....
    And she has done it again, 1 million this time, on market.
    DYOR but this looks like a good stock to hold at penny stock prices.

  4. #264
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Advangen, wholly owned subsidiary of ASX:CDY is hiring a VP to take charge of Marketing and Sales in the US.
    He or she wont be there to play tiddly winks.
    New products being released addressing the hair lengthening market in addition to the regrowth side of Evolis.

  5. #265
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Massive announcement regarding Midkine.

    • Findings that midkine plays an essential role in the metastatic spread of malignant melanomas were published in the prestigious journal NATURE • Cellmid holds the most significant global IP portfolio around midkine globally • This high quality independent study provides strong validation of Cellmid's cancer therapeutic and diagnostic programs targeting midkine
    SYDNEY: Monday, 3 July 2017, Cellmid Limited (ASX: CDY) is pleased to advise that the highest ranked paper Nature has published the results of a significant study showing for the first time that midkine, around which the Company holds extensive intellectual property rights, is a crucial agent in the promotion of melanoma metastasis.
    The paper, entitled "Whole-body imaging of lymphovascular niches identifies pre-metastatic roles of midkine", by Professor Marisol Soengas and her group based in CNIO in Madrid, describes how midkine drives the often-fatal metastatic spread of melanoma cells from the primary tumour in the skin to distant organs such as liver, lung, bone and brain.
    • It provides strong validation for Cellmid's cancer therapeutic and diagnostic programs, which use the Company's proprietary midkine antibodies;
    • It adds to the considerable data on the prognostic value of detecting midkine in different cancer types, where elevated midkine levels in various tissues correspond with poor therapeutic outcomes;
    • It significantly increases visibility and credibility of Cellmid's cancer therapeutic programs targeting midkine; and
    • As the holder of the most significant intellectual property and antibody assets around midkine globally the publication places the Company in a unique position for partnerships.
    The Company's antibodies against midkine have already shown considerable promise in reducing tumour growth and restricting new blood supply to different solid tumours (some of these results have been released in ASX announcements on 3 October 2013 and 5 October 2016). Together with these new discoveries around metastasis, inhibiting midkine for better treatment of melanoma becomes a compelling drug development program for Cellmid

    While most conventional anti-cancer treatments aim to kill rapidly dividing tumour cells, the ability to stop the spread of metastatic tumour cells would be of immense benefit for many advanced cancer patients with diverse tumour types.
    It is widely accepted that lymphatic vessels are often the escape route for cancer cells to spread initially to nearby lymph nodes, followed by metastasis to more distant vital organs. The sprouting of new lymphatic vessels from the tumour into surrounding lymph nodes was thought to facilitate this step-wise metastatic spread via a process called lymphangiogenesis.
    However, the group at CNIO in Madrid used a sophisticated mouse model to demonstrate that the primary tumour induces aberrant lymphangiogenesis in lymph nodes and organs located at considerable distances from the tumour, creating a pre-metastatic niche for tumour cells to lodge in. Importantly, midkine release from the tumour was found to stimulate distant lymphangiogenesis, creating a route for cancer cells to colonize sites throughout the r.) body independent of local spread into lymph nodes adjacent to the primary tumour.

    Midkine also enhanced the ability of tumour cells to adhere to lymphatic vessels. Therefore, midkine not only promotes lymphangiogenesis, but also tumour cell colonization in newly formed lymphatic vessels.
    These actions of midkine extend Cellmid's current knowledge about midkine's role in tumours as well as in blood vessel formation and cellular interactions throughout the body. Together with previous studies, the current findings provide strong rationale for Cellmid's oncology program targeting midkine with therapeutic antibodies.
    In their Nature News and Views commentary on the study, Hoshino and Lyden from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York describe how "...MDK (midkine) downregulation in an aggressive melanoma led to drastic inhibition of lymphangiogenesis, and reduced number of metastases", concluding that this work "...might open a door to diagnostic and therapeutic strategies that aim to deal with metastases before they arise".
    David Olmeda, lead author on the Nature paper, lends further support for Cellmid's midkine program in oncology "...we focussed on... MIDK/NE, because it was new and could represent an alternative therapeutic target".
    An engineered mouse model was used to conduct the study that incorporates a very sensitive bioluminescent reporter called luciferase with the Vegfr3 gene that specifically mediates lymphangiogenesis. This model enables researchers to track aberrant lymphatic vessel formation by imaging internal light generation in living tissues of mice in the presence of implanted tumours that have different metastatic potentials.
    Detailed in vivo imaging of melanoma tumour-bearing mice revealed distinct patterns of new lymphatic development, with lymph vessel formation at distant sites proceeding independently of lymphangiogenesis around the primary tumour. In addition, the ability of tumour cells to colonize distal lymph nodes and organs was not linked to lymphangiogenesis in the proximity of the tumour. These findings represent fundamental new paradigms in understanding metastatic spread from primary tumours and are likely a general feature of many cancer types.
    Removal of primary tumours dampened distal lymphangiogenesis, indicating that ; )) factors released by melanoma cells drive pre-metastatic niche formation. However, presence of VEGFC in the tumour - the most likely angiogenic factor to control lymphangiogenesis - did not influence distal lymphangiogenesis and metastases, R.)) suggesting that other tumour-derived factors may be involved. The lack of correlation between VEGFC and melanoma tumour metastasis led the researchers to perform proteomic profiling to compare the factors released by melanoma cells with high versus low metastatic potential. The most highly ranked 0 candidate that had not previously been studied in this context was identified as midkine. While midkine has been extensively investigated in other tumour types and has been shown to promote metastasis by blood vessel growth, inflammatory signalling and cell proliferation, it has not previously been linked to lymphangiogenesis. Marisol Soengas and colleagues carried out gain and loss-of-function experiments to manipulate midkine expression in melanomas with low or conversely high metastatic and lymphangiogenic potential to demonstrate that midkine is essential for creation of the pre-metastatic niche in aberrant lymphatic vessels at distal sites. The cellular action of midkine in mediating lymphangiogenesis and tumour cell adhesion to lymphatic vessels was then examined in vitro by examining the attachment and O spreading of tumour cells in the presence of confluent monolayers of lymphatic endothelial cells.
    Treatment with midkine protein stimulated the movement of melanoma cells across and through the lymphatic cell layer, indicating that midkine secreted by tumour cells into circulating lymph and/or blood may influence tumour cell colonization of distal premetastatic niches.
    Further evidence for the ability of midkine to influence dynamic interactions between tumour cells and the lymph node microenvironment was obtained by intravital multiphoton imaging. Melanoma cells expressing midkine were observed actively ..„...,,, invading lymphatic vessels, while the same tumour cells in which midkine had been silenced were static and showed no dynamic interaction with lymph cells.

    The group then explored the clinical relevance of these experimental findings by showing that high midkine levels in lymph nodes taken from melanoma patients was prognostic for poor outcomes. Kaplan-Meier survival curves comparing melanoma patients stratified for high vs low midkine showed that more than twice the number of patients with low midkine were disease free at 8 years compared to patients with high midkine expression in lymph nodes (p=0.0243).
    As disease-free survival was defined as the time interval between diagnosis and the development of the earliest metastasis detected at any anatomical site, this analysis combined with hazard ratios of 2.76 (p=0.005) by Cox regression univariate model shows a strong association between midkine and metastasis in melanoma patients. Multivariate modelling showed the prognostic value of midkine was independent of other factors such as age, gender and Breslow score, a prognostic measure of how deeply the tumour has invaded into the skin.
    R.)) End Contact: Maria Halasz, CEO. OT +612 9221 6830 V @mariahalasz Cellmid

  6. #266
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    Just thought I would pop this in here for anyone interested. I contacted the company about the difference between Evolis and Evolis professional and got a very comprehensive answer...

    The core technology is identical between the brands. The main difference is in the formulation.

    The évolis for men and évolis for women tonics are specialist pharmacy range products that are listed with the Australian TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration); meaning medicinal claims have been accepted and can be listed on the label. The specific claims are: “Promotes hair growth”, “Helps reduce hair loss and thinning”, “Lengthens the natural hair growth cycle by inhibiting FGF5” and “Restores the natural hair growth cycle by inhibiting FGF5”. These products have a simple medicinal formulation that has been designed to deliver the active ingredients to the scalp. The shampoos in this range are ‘3 in 1‘ volumiser, shampoo & conditioner that were designed to give a volume boost to thinning hair while maintaining a clean scalp. These products are a ‘one size fits all’ solution.

    The évolis professional range is a premium product primarily designed for salon professionals. The professional range has the same core ingredients, but they have been formulated with a number of additional botanicals with various effects, including: deep moisturizing, hair fortification, antioxidant effects, as well as protect hair from damage.

    At the core of the shampoo and conditioner formulations is also the removal of a number of harsher chemicals and inclusion of gentler natural ingredients. They are formulated to be sulphate free, paraben free, DEA and silicone free. The removal of sulphates makes them extremely colour safe for those with dyed hair.

    We have designed three core ranges of products --

    Promote: primarily for younger women wanting to grow their hair longer. The core technology can enable this, while the fortifying and ultra-moisturising ingredients ensure the hair is in great condition, avoiding split ends which necessitate regular trimming. The range includes an activator tonic, shampoo, conditioner and deep treatment mask.

    Prevent: designed for younger men that are worried about losing their hair. The core technology helps maintain hair health, while the formulation provides a good balance of volumising to fight the appearance of thinning, and moisturising for maintain hair fibre quality. The range includes an activator tonic, shampoo and conditioner.

    Reverse: designed for those that have already started to thin. The core technology helps fight the appearance of thinning, volumisers give thin hair a boost and we have included only very gentle conditioning to avoid weighing hair down. The reverse range also included a deep treatment mask to be used once a week or once a fortnight in order to hydrate and repair hair. The range includes an activator tonic, shampoo, conditioner and deep treatment mask.

    I hope than answers your question. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any others!

  7. #267
    Puriri Pete


    Thanks for posting that suse. They've clearly got their "heads" around the market segments to be addressed. I wonder what's holding them back from arranging distribution in NZ?

  8. #268
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Priceline seems to keep running out of Evolis in Australia, it is either popular or they have a supply issue
    In the next week there should be a quarterly that includes some US revenue and Advangen is looking for a Mandarin copy writer for advertising which suggests a launch into China may be imminent.
    Looking for a good update with the 4C.
    Cant see going into China with Evolis without some serious funds coming in from elsewhere.

  9. #269
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    Evolis into Neiman Marcus in the US. Good start.

  10. #270
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by suse View Post

    Evolis into Neiman Marcus in the US. Good start.
    Yep. 42 stores across the US. First order received and shipped 02 August.
    Plus a huge worldwide audience with their online shopping.
    This is a several billion dollar company focussed on the high end of the market.
    This is the work of Colour Collective's Kerry Yates who has years of experience in bringing products to the market.
    Neiman Marcus is based in Dallas TX as is Colour Collective.

    Last edited by Minerbarejet; 03-08-2017 at 04:23 PM.


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