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  1. #11
    Permanent Newbie
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by FTG View Post
    Their Tax policy doesn't 'give' anyone more money. Instead it sets the framework for the State to TAKE LESS of our money....and that's everyone by the way, not just the 'wealthy'.

    In this context, what does "wealthy" mean anyway? The are many, many folk in NZ who work hard and/or smart and who earn a 'large' income, yet under many peoples definition are still on "Struggle Street' and aren't truly 'wealthy'. Anyway, I digress.
    Can you give us a worked example how ACT's tax policy will take less tax from someone on a minimum wage or a pension???

    I would appreciate the worked example showing how minimum wage earners and pensioners will pay less tax under ACT's tax policy, obviously I missed something when I had a look.

    Lets keep to the FACTS as I know Baa Baa does not like ignorant or lazy posts.

    As to the TRAVESTY that reigns unabated

    Some might suggest the travesty is that less and less people are accumulating more and more of the wealth and income (pretty sure that is a fact). The only means of redistribution is through govt and taxation or possibly a third generation member blowing it all or revolution in extreme cases.

    Everyone pays income tax even the beneficiaries. I think what you mean is that what they pay in tax does not match the benefits they receive such as roading and health care etc.

    Very few pay any sort of capital gains tax that is the travesty that reigns unabated in my opinion.

    Look forward to your worked example to increase my understanding of how ACTs tax policy will work in reality.
    Last edited by Aaron; 05-08-2023 at 04:34 PM.


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