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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by mistaTea View Post
    You keep getting confused and conflating issues.

    Nobody on here has said they are against efforts to revitalise and support Maori culture.

    There are all sorts of initiatives that successive govts do to try restore mana.

    It generally has broad support from the public.

    We are talking about ramming through a pro-Maori obligation as part of a bribe to media who were (and still are) in a pretty desperate financial position.

    The argument is that there should not be any of these types of conditions to receive the funding. And that these conditions have knock on effects.

    For instance, the reporting on co-governance…there was no rigorous journalism and hard questions of the govt being asked about what it all actually means, how it fits within our overall democracy etc.

    And one conclusion that is drawn is that they never grilled the govt on this because it is a Maori/TOW issue, and they just took a sack of cash on the provision they would proirotise and enhance Maori/TOW coverage.

    You can see the issue, yeah?
    I can see what you are saying, no confusion, it's been obvious what your interpretation is. None of the conditions outlined mandate what you have interpreted.

    Coverage of Maori issues was not dictated as being 'pro Maori' what ever that means.

    I saw plenty of opinion pieces reported on MSM that were against the Labour Maori Caucus's agenda

    I saw coverage of Hobson Choice's agenda. So the funding didn't prevent a balance of views being reported.

    And I disagree, there is a vocal minority that are very anti anything Maori.
    Last edited by Daytr; 01-05-2024 at 03:56 PM.


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