Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
Don't pull the propaganda card, that is strictly Ardern's trump act.
Jacinda much more attractive then T
rump,go to an optician
I warned you Baabaa,the wheels are coming off this Cannibal Collective already.The last thing this country needs is to be run by an ex CEO like an airline ,aggressively focused on profits above people.I don't think Luxon has a pilots licence,so why oh why does he think he can drive a country!? .
Mining companies etc✓
The Environment X
Rental Owners,✓
Renters,highest ever rent now
Losers ,just about every state service j,many jobs going X

Tough on Crime lol X
Bootcamp. X Doesn't Work
Three Strikes X Doesn't Work

Police Supported X
Police leaving NZ for Aus ,not valued or given a reasonable payrise

Country being united X
Divided we become ✓

Prudent Tax Cuts in a time of Inflation X Big Fail Resign Nicola

To be continued.The people of NZ are realising how bad this Cannibal Collective really is and the honey moon is over ,quicker then a nighty off the bride.