Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
Need to get to my laptop to switch you off but that will be after lunch.

How many interactions have you personally had with Winston Peter's or Shane Jones?
I ran a social media campaign for Peter's to get him elected in 2015. Even then I had frank discussions with him about his at the time xenophobic remarks & how I could only support him if he toned that down.

Shane Jones I have had a similar minor relationship with. At odds one minute but agree on other things. Some of the funding he supplied through the PGF was excellent, some was ill advised, some seemed a bit slippery for my liking and some certainly didn't meet the criteria that the Fund or the Covid Response set out.

Anyway, I better be careful as I want a fair chunk of change from him for my next charitable venture.

Relationships are nuanced, well for the educated they are. One thing doesn't necessarily mean another & the world certainly isn't black & white.
I know you will struggle with that concept, but just breathe buddy, before you keep shooting from the hip.
Nobody believes your supercilious bs mate.

Now just hush for the live of God.