Thanks elZorro,
Have watched on for a fair while, and always have plenty to say.

Have quite a lot of experience working for the regional council in Otago, know the river very well.It is what is considered to be overallocated several times over and the only way you could get water is to do flood harvesting or buy a mining right, a historic mining permit for the water take, and then get it fully reassessed by the Council for all the tosh they consider now. Also, the landowners value thier mining rights more than they do their wives as it is the only thing that keeps most farming operations viable there. The entire Manuherikea catchment all all in the calculations by Council, so minor tributaries are in the same position. Could drill very deep bores potentially though....

Holding: hgd, lmp, syft, clv, esi, hfa, kas, tex.