Quote Originally Posted by Xirr View Post
IN a few years time if the media start running stories of goldie oldies that have lost all their money by investing in tech ipo's - i will deadset laugh my ass off.

This is finance companies v2.0

Orion is actually a good company, but I can't see the returns the demand/price range is implying.
Yep, couldn't agree more. Their sales growth is hardly what you'd call stellar and apparently having conservative projections and actually growing EPS doesn't count for anything anymore.
All something needs is a couple of magic words like "healthcare" and "software" and its off too the races.
I can think of one company that's growing real EPS at the same rate that this company is growing sales and it sells on a PE of 11...not in the magic sector so it doesn't count apparently...(casts a wistful glance as his old abacus, shrugs shoulders and wonders how the world got so bloody crazy)