So what if it is Xenophobia. I reckon you should have to hold a NZ passport before you can own land in NZ. Maybe get some facts so it doesn't have to be a phobia but based on what is actually happening in NZ and get a govt that can decide on what is best for the people of NZ. Where is the money coming from. If Auckland house prices are being bid up by cheap foreign computer generated currency then real assets in NZ are being purchased with fiat currency from overseas which doesn't seem right to me. Maybe the Chinese investor quoted in the herald is right, that "we need to work harder" or as another option I would propose, maybe he can just f**k off back to China. Foreign investment is good for the country, maybe but foreign ownership of existing NZ assets, I'm not sure it is a benefit to the people of NZ. This is a link to an article regarding the benefits to NZ of foreign ownership of some of our countries assets.