Quote Originally Posted by Broke View Post
Lets face it. As retail investors, we are just a bunch bottomfeeders. We provide only 25 percent of the funds that sustains the loan market. If all of us dissapeared tomorrow, HM would still function and be going strong. Institutional lenders can absorb the fees and delinquencies quite easily. From a business perspective: HM doesnt really owe us anything. If you dont like the fees. Then dont invest after mid june.
I tend to agree. But what would make it a whole lot easier to continue to invest with Harmoney (albeit with a lower return due to the new fees) would be the option to automate investment. Investing at the moment is very time consuming, having to login frequently to find out what funds you have awaiting investment, then not having suitable investments available meaning you need to keep on checking until you are fully invested. The returns could never be good enough to justify the work involved currently. I hope they really are working on a good fix for this - and before I get bored with the platform.