Quote Originally Posted by JeremyALD View Post
NZ at capacity is kind of a good thing for THL. If you can't get a hotel why not get a campervan? The NZ business remains very strong and will continue to do very well for the next few years.

The major concern has always been the US. Undoubtedly there's been a Trump Slump this year driven by policies, uncertainty and a high US dollar. In particular the Canadian dollar has been weak. I was doing some research and Europeans have not been visiting as much this year and are down about 10% YOY.

In saying this THL said they are on track for 50m by 2020 and I have no reason they won't achieve this, unless a war breaks put with NK in which case this stock will get hammered, but then so will a lot of others.
Well summed up mate. I think THL are fairly priced at present. Recent surge was surprising, a bit more realism now in the SP.