Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
Very good whatsupp, you did nothing wrong, it was just they way it was conveyed in your first post.

Most tenants I am sure are enjoying warmer healthier homes.

Iceman, in average landlords made a capital gain of $225k per investment property in one year. But they still want to recoup more out of tenants just for providing what most people would consider the bare minimum. That's called out & out greed.
Obviously not all landlords are like this but anyone complaining about providing tge basics whilst making hundreds of thousands of dollars needs to have a serious look at themselves.
The trouble is " the left is a lie " and the socialists know this but will not accept the truth, imo the only way out of the poverty trap is,
1) education.
2) work as many jobs as you can 2-3 if possible a week while you can.
3) spend your money very very wisely, ask yourself do I really really need this?
3) dont get married too young.
4) make sure you marry the " right " person .
5)when you do get married only have a couple of children.
6) look after your families health ( your greatest asset )
There are many more but you can add to them yourself.