Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
The Games need to go back to basics - use existing facilities and some special purpose built accommodation units which can then be used for housing.

Otherwise the Games are going to die and that would be a tragedy for commonwealth athletics.

Exactly. Just heard Phil Gifford on RNZ commenting the Victoria State politicians over reached, had these grandiose ideas, instead of using existing facilities (there already is an Olympic size pool) they were going to build 2 new pools & new velodromes etc in different parts of the State & demolish some of them after the games, i.e. over ambitious plans using the Games to boost growth into different parts of the State, without realising it would cost about 3X as much as the original budget.

After the lessons of Durban pulling out due to the costs of hosting the Games becoming prohibitive, politicians ambitions need to be scaled back.
And Birmingham which stepped in at short notice using a lot of existing facilities was a fantastic Games.