Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
Unsavoury revelations about the inner workings of the Greens promised & expected this afternoon from one of the departing Greens’ MP.

Can’t wait!


Former Green MP, turned independent MP, Elizabeth Kerekere says she won’t be holding back as she gets ready for her valedictory speech on Wednesday afternoon.

Her speech is likely to be the most eventful this week, with Kerekere telling Stuff she wants to “set the record straight” on her fallout with the Greens.
Good on her for bringing into disrepute the integrity of the two Green co-leaders/conspirators - no due process and trial by innuendo & rumors.

Not surprising when you look especially at Davidson's record of spraying all and sundry who do not support her with her vile divisive, sexist and racist utterances.


Excerpt : "She said she disputed “all such allegations” of bullying, and read an email from the investigation. “Dated 7.14pm Wednesday 3 May 2023 – exactly four weeks after the original incident,” she told Parliament.

Kerekere’s supporters had argued the investigation was dragged out to hurt her list ranking, an allegation the Green Party leadership denied. She said the email told her that nobody had made a formal complaint, with only Shaw and Davidson voicing concern. “To recap, no formal"