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  1. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Down & out


    I am starting to take all bullying allegations like this latest one with sceptisicm. We are seeing far too often that such claims are brought to the fore when they are obviously timed to do maximum damage for the accused, often with disastrous and unfair consequences for them. The media is the worst bully in this regard.
    In today's World, any robust discussion in the workplace is called bullying.

    I am not saying people should get away with bullying but people are getting far too thin skinned and can not take any criticism or a robust debate of different views. A sad state of affairs, particularly when some people lose their jobs and reputations for what most of us would class as minor transgressions/mistakes while others that have years of bullying under their belts get promoted (think Trevor Mallard) !!

    p.s. I have no idea about these latest allegations and ad not solely referring to them nor taking sides !
    Last edited by iceman; 21-09-2023 at 07:41 PM.


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