Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
Sadly Logan is not even able to follow quite simple instructions. He would have needed to enter the land value of the average property instead of entering the capital value (btw, land value is less, unless you live on a section without improvements).

I we take his proposed salary and an average urban land value of say $350000 (that's the price for the section without a house on it), than you would pay $2 more in tax per week if we apply the TOP tax proposal.

If your section however is rural (not urban), you would save $2520 pa.

I suggest he does the calculation again and you do at least a minimum of processing and research before you parrot the misinformation some right wing trolls like Logan are spreading.

So dumb, but tells us a lot about the hard right. Making up stories, and spreading the lies.

Logans response:
Accusing others of lying without evidence is an act of bad faith. Likewise, saying people are 'making up stories' when they actually have faithfully used a tool TOP has provided is an act of bad faith as well. You are becoming shrill & insulting.
Interesting - so, Logan got it wrong. Not so hard to use this tool to get it right, but he prefers to give me instead bad reputation for calling him out. Is this what a hypocrite would do?