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  1. #21
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dln View Post
    Hahahahahahaha ... <breathe in> ... hahahahahahaha.

    Thanks for describing yourself so very well.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    If you seriously ever care to read and understand what has been written about Ardern & the Labour government in the last 3 years, you will know that everything written about how incompetent, clueless and useless they were - ARE ALL TRUE.

    Hence, the resounding rejection of them in the election on 14 October.

    I take pride in highlighting those truths here on ST (and in other mediums as well) and along with countless others, we know we changed a few minds out there to vote out Labour.

    Meanwhile, all the Labour shills had/have been doing here is making excuses and blaming previous government for the disasters created by Ardern, Hipkins and Labour.

    The only disappointment we have is that Ardern did a runner before she got the kick on the backside from NZers to show that she has been a waste of space.

    Don't expect you to understand though as you voted for her. But then, who can understand why you voted for the hypocrite and self-serving red *itch in the first place!

    What self congratulatory BS.
    Most of you posts have about hurling insults and asking people to kiss your ass and then your true desires came out when you asked people to lick your ass!

    Proud? You set a very low bar for yourself.
    JAK was right, look at yourself in the mirror, however I suspect you do that alot already, over your shoulder... and quite fancy what you see as you have certainly been infatuated with it.

  3. #23
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    What self congratulatory BS.
    Most of you posts have about hurling insults and asking people to kiss your ass and then your true desires came out when you asked people to lick your ass!

    Proud? You set a very low bar for yourself.
    JAK was right, look at yourself in the mirror, however I suspect you do that alot already, over your shoulder... and quite fancy what you see as you have certainly been infatuated with it.
    The truth hurts you woke leftist losers, doesn’t it?

    No apologies as you Ardern indoctrinated guys and gals (& in between) cannot handle the truth. You only like her BS and spin laced generously with false promises.
    Last edited by Balance; 19-10-2023 at 03:24 PM.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    If you seriously ever care to read and understand what has been written about Ardern & the Labour government in the last 3 years, you will know that everything written about how incompetent, clueless and useless they were - ARE ALL TRUE.

    Hence, the resounding rejection of them in the election on 14 October.

    I take pride in highlighting those truths here on ST (and in other mediums as well) and along with countless others, we know we changed a few minds out there to vote out Labour.

    Meanwhile, all the Labour shills had/have been doing here is making excuses and blaming previous government for the disasters created by Ardern, Hipkins and Labour.

    The only disappointment we have is that Ardern did a runner before she got the kick on the backside from NZers to show that she has been a waste of space.

    Don't expect you to understand though as you voted for her. But then, who can understand why you voted for the hypocrite and self-serving red *itch in the first place!

    You and several others on these threads certainly meet this definition of populists.

    Populists claim a kind of monopoly of representing the people with the consequence that all other contenders for power are deemed fundamentally illegitimate, corrupt, and, to coin a phrase, crooked.

    Populism also has significant negative effects on democracy as well. It often results in an intense moralization of politics, whereby reaching agreements between disparate groups becomes very difficult. In lieu of agreement and compromise, majority rule is used to suppress minority opinion and circumvent minority rights. The will of the people – often demonstrable by the will of a majority in a plebiscite or election – becomes authoritative and infallible. Populism is democratic because it abides the wishes of ‘the people’ yet authoritarian because not all citizens count as ‘the people’ (and those who do not have no political legitimacy whatsoever).

    In effect, populism advocates for an authoritarian form of democracy, and it fundamentally rejects liberal and representative democracy.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
    Would be nice to think the left woke wave could be extinguished. Nice to see we have lead a shift for a change. Many other nations have also had a guts full so fingers crossed.
    When you say would be nice to think the left woke wave could be extinguished it sounds like you don’t agree with democracy and free speech for all, not for the left in this case. And that is a kind interpretation of your comment. But plenty on here were quick to demand “their” version of democracy for them over Maori cogovernance issues.

    Right-wing populists define the enemy of the people to be “other” people, such as Maori, the Left, Greenies, beneficiaries, immigrants, refugees, etc.

    Right-wing populism’s incompatibility with democracy is clear when one carefully considers who “the people” often are in the populist imagination. They are not all the people. They are the minimum winning coalition of the people, and usually a part of the people that are defined in terms of their ascriptive characteristics (e.g., white).

    Such an exclusionary view of “the people” cannot be reconciled with democracy’s requirement of political equality.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    You and several others on these threads certainly meet this definition of populists.

    why use the word "populist' as a pejorative Moka?

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    why use the word "populist' as a pejorative Moka?
    Because, as the post suggested, "populist" very accurately describes the position and political attitudes of many posters on this forum. It discounts, "otherises", and marginalises the interests and concerns of a very large proportion of the population. It seldom ends well.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post
    Because, as the post suggested, "populist" very accurately describes the position and political attitudes of many posters on this forum. It discounts, "otherises", and marginalises the interests and concerns of a very large proportion of the population. It seldom ends well.
    Doesn't that description fit Ardern's methods? Snuck He Puapua into policy and as a result with, Mahuta as the bulldozer, nek minute....5 Waters and co-governance. Notice how Mahuta disappeared from public view once Ardern abandoned ship?

    Ardern completely betrayed this country to her Marxist tendencies, and once the public woke up to her control freak extremism, the knives came out from within the senior Cabinet to save their skins. So what does Cindy do? Bullsh*ts her way off to Harvard for her meal ticket for life as reward from the WEF club. Expect Trudeau to follow her before long.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post
    Because, as the post suggested, "populist" very accurately describes the position and political attitudes of many posters on this forum. It discounts, "otherises", and marginalises the interests and concerns of a very large proportion of the population. It seldom ends well.
    I'm a populist and quite comfortably one. Thanks for your explanation.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    why use the word "populist' as a pejorative Moka?
    Because in this context on these threads populism is divisive, pushing a them and us view of New Zealanders. Populists appeal to emotions rather than reason. Populists use name calling, belittling and demeaning as divisive tactics.

    Because populism and democracy are not the same thing, although they share some similarities.
    Although there is no single definition of populism, a number of characteristics can be attributed to it, including the idea that there is only one people and thus only one opinion.
    Populism can lead to polarization and division.

    Populism can lead to a decline in democratic values: Populist leaders often appeal to nationalist or authoritarian values and reject the principles of liberal democracy, such as individual rights and freedoms.
    Populism can undermine democratic institutions and norms: Populist leaders often portray themselves as the only legitimate representatives of the people and attack other institutions, such as the judiciary, the media, and civil society, as corrupt or illegitimate.


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