Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post
Because, as the post suggested, "populist" very accurately describes the position and political attitudes of many posters on this forum. It discounts, "otherises", and marginalises the interests and concerns of a very large proportion of the population. It seldom ends well.
Doesn't that description fit Ardern's methods? Snuck He Puapua into policy and as a result with, Mahuta as the bulldozer, nek minute....5 Waters and co-governance. Notice how Mahuta disappeared from public view once Ardern abandoned ship?

Ardern completely betrayed this country to her Marxist tendencies, and once the public woke up to her control freak extremism, the knives came out from within the senior Cabinet to save their skins. So what does Cindy do? Bullsh*ts her way off to Harvard for her meal ticket for life as reward from the WEF club. Expect Trudeau to follow her before long.