Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
She is clueless just like Cindy.


Worse than clueless actually - she is a dangerous deluded October 7th Hamas massacre denier & she supports Hamas, screeching Hamas’ catch cry to destroy Israel.

And not a single word from Chloe Swarbrick of the assault, rape and murder of women during and after the October 7th Hamas massacre.

Nothing shows how callous and pro-Hamas she is than her deafening silence.

The UN is of course no better so the sooner that NZ frees itself from being obligated to the UN hypocritical proclamations and declarations, the better.


“Reports of women raped – repeatedly raped – and their bodies being mutilated while still alive – of women corpses being desecrated, Hamas terrorists inflicting as much pain and suffering on women and girls as possible and then murdering them. It is appalling.”