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  1. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Wayne Brown rejects plan for second Waitematā harbour tunnel crossing

    Auckland Council’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee has decided not to support the current $56 billion plan for a secondary harbour crossing.

    During today’s meeting the council’s Principal Transport Advisor Elise Webster highlighted problems with the draft business case for the Waitematā Harbour Connections project, which is due to be presented to the NZTA Waka Kotahi board in February next year.

    The “preferred option” listed in the Indicative Business Case involved two underwater tunnels, one for traffic and one for light rail, to run alongside the Harbour Bridge.

    “Staff have identified a number of issues... these relate, in particular, to the affordability and value for money issue,” Webster said.

    “At $56b it is equivalent to more than double the government’s total 10-year investment in Auckland’s transport system.”

    Webster asked members of the committee to clearly oppose the plan.

    “Council staff are recommending that the committee does not support the recommended option,” she said.

    Mayor Wayne Brown immediately accepted Webster’s advice.

    The Waka of Transport Incompetence & Vast Pot Hole Empire cops a drop kick from Brown

    Only $56 Bills - folks - but probably more like 3 or 4 times that by completion time

    Wonder if the mysterious money printer for this has been put of action ? or perhaps just another Grandiose Labour BS feel-good project on the way to be given it's final rites ?

    Fake money operation: Man arrested after counterfeit bank notes found in South Auckland

    How's the grand map of all the illusive Pot Holes in the district going - Wayne ? the Bureaucrats in Wellington's Waka of Roading C*ck-ups might have a few spare pennies left over now to start doing some backfilling projects
    Last edited by nztx; 07-12-2023 at 06:27 PM.


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