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  1. #51
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    South Africa has no credibility unfortunately. Not exactly a stalwart of human rights ! Would be better coming from a more credible country.

    That's about the size of it too .. had to laugh when I saw that

    The peasants in the hintelands don't appear to be faring well

    and it's a wonder the SA Power Grid even held up long enough for them to get a message out
    with all the wholesale pillaging & thievery going on across the country

    The smart ones ran away a very long time ago when things started showing sign of turning badly to krap in SA

    The country got trashed & turned from prosperous & reasonably wealthy into Third World status in record time with all the infighting and stealing and other questionable behaviour going on
    Last edited by nztx; 13-01-2024 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    South Africa has no credibility unfortunately. Not exactly a stalwart of human rights ! Would be better coming from a more credible country.
    Apart from the high bar to surmount for genocide, It does seem hard to escape the politics behind the South African accusations against Israel. While many proponents for apartheid were also anti-semites, apartheid-era South Africa co-operated militarily with Israel. I guess both nations had the common bond of being surrounded by hostile neighbours. So the post-apartheid ANC government in SA, would naturally be more likely to be hostile towards Israel.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    Apart from the high bar to surmount for genocide, It does seem hard to escape the politics behind the South African accusations against Israel. While many proponents for apartheid were also anti-semites, apartheid-era South Africa co-operated militarily with Israel. I guess both nations had the common bond of being surrounded by hostile neighbours. So the post-apartheid ANC government in SA, would naturally be more likely to be hostile towards Israel.

    The same Southern African mob who had nice little meetings with Putin with probable aspirations for hand out for whatever they could grab over their Ukraine stance .. Are they filing for the same lines of action on Russian atrocities in Ukraine or too difficult for them ?

    Might be a bit scared that Putin might turn a different way on views of them and they might miss out on something

    Look like a self serving mob of two faced peasant scumbags clambering for attention & free gifts don't they .. after they have trashed SA in record time and reduced what was into the fine dust & desert sand of self inflicted poverty status ?

    Can't deny or blame what they have achieved in that time on anyone else

    How many decades have the local Chiefs had control of the now impoverished Dustbowl they managed to turn things into, since things were handed back into their laps ?

    It all looks a bit desperate or ill thought through .. cuddle up to the Oligarch Butchers of Moscow for a handout on an undetermined future ransom & likely doing over, Support the Terrorist Hamas by default .. Sh*t on the Western World .. Interestingly can't be much of interest to China there to chase .. Now what happens when they run out of friends stuck out alone on the horn of Africa ?
    Last edited by nztx; 13-01-2024 at 03:41 PM.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    South Africa has no credibility unfortunately. Not exactly a stalwart of human rights ! Would be better coming from a more credible country.

    Not really, Sth Africa being a nation which has suffered enormous human rights abuses, but also among the most heroic powerful advocates for human rights & resistance of oppression is a country perhaps most appropriate to take this case to the International Court of Justice at The Hague.

    Regardless as Daytr points out, the case is not being heard in South Africa, but at The Hague.

  5. #55
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    I.ts interesting that both South Afica and Israel both failed to condem Russia fir their invasion of Ukraine

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Not really, Sth Africa being a nation which has suffered enormous human rights abuses, but also among the most heroic powerful advocates for human rights & resistance of oppression is a country perhaps most appropriate to take this case to the International Court of Justice at The Hague.

    Regardless as Daytr points out, the case is not being heard in South Africa, but at The Hague.
    I think everyone understands that so not sure what the point is. South Africa has no credibility with human rights, so not sure why they arethemselves complaining about it in other countries, while at the same time basically supporting Putin's bloody massacre in Ukraine.
    Last edited by iceman; 13-01-2024 at 03:38 PM.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    I think everyone understands that so not sure what the point is. South Africa has no credibility with human rights, so not sure why they arethemselves complaining about it in other countries, while at the same time basically supporting Putin's bloody massacre in Ukraine.
    The point is, it's not South Africa's actions or lack of actions that are being called into question it's Israel’s. One has nought to do with the other.

    It's an absolute disgrace that has taken this long & a country of SAs dubious standing to be the one laying the accusation, whilst the 'pious' West has stood idle and allowing mass slaughter due to the undue influence Israel has on the world.

    How can the World Court condone mass slaughter of innocence? They can't.
    The UN has been calling for restraint & a sustained peace. Netanyahu is a criminal and not just a war criminal.

    He's not facing quite as many charges as Trump, but hey that would be difficult to achieve.
    Surprised they aren't better mates...
    Last edited by Daytr; 13-01-2024 at 04:17 PM.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Not really, Sth Africa being a nation which has suffered enormous human rights abuses, but also among the most heroic powerful advocates for human rights & resistance of oppression is a country perhaps most appropriate to take this case to the International Court of Justice at The Hague.

    Regardless as Daytr points out, the case is not being heard in South Africa, but at The Hague.
    Spot on. As a country that has seen racial persecution on an epic scale they are one of the best placed to recognize it.

    The ANC had strong connections to the PLO, IRA etc as all saw themselves as the victims of persecution from a powerful oppressor.

  9. #59
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    Lest not forget that the ANC was, and still is, a hard left (communist) ridden organisation. No wonder they are as quiet as church mice when it comes to decrying Putin's Ukraine atrocities.

    Barbaric, murder, genocide. All hideous words that aptly fit with the ANC and their supporters, who deployed, with total impunity, the deplorable fear tactic of "necklacing". Many, many folk slaughtered & maimed in "hot" blood.

    Double standards?

    If the shoe was on the other foot, a question would be; how would you, the media, UN etc react? Any differently to the Israel/Hamas situation? Whose side would folk then gravitate to, or would they remain steadfast on some deeper principles? Like the principle that any country should being able to defend, respond and take necessary action, to stop any aggressor's physical attacks (including for any overtly stated planned attacks).


    (NB. Numbers below adjusted in proportion to Israel's population)
    If terrorists from Namibia raided South Africa and killed 7,500 Sth African's & kidnapped another 1575 innocent.
    If militants from Ukraine raided Russia and killed 18,300 Russians & kidnapped another 3,800 innocent.
    If radicals from NZ raided Aussie and killed 3,300 Australians & kidnapped another 675 citizens.

    Do you think South Africa, Russia or Australia would & should just sit idly and not take any action?
    Last edited by FTG; 13-01-2024 at 08:27 PM.
    Success is a journey AND a destination!

  10. #60
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    Your examples are all external attacks against sovereign states, rather than an attack against invaders on illegally occupied land.
    Last edited by dln; 13-01-2024 at 06:28 PM.


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