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  1. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    One of the main reasons is Kaipara and other Councils are still strapped with debt relating to three waters infrastructure. The cancelation of Three Waters by the new Government with no alternative in place has left Councils little choice.

    100 day plan, can that, cancel this... mostly I agree with the cancelations or I would if the NAFT had an alternative plan.

    They have said the would get rid of Three Waters for years, but didn't come up with their own plan?

    What were they doing with all that time in opposition?

    You'd think Labours flagship 'Three Idiots on Water' would have been a ripping success from accounts of some, but alas even the Local Body empires weren't overly eager to lap it up either even with Labour's carrot danging exercise trying to bribe all into being roped in

    The odd Local Body empire or two scored a pay out, and like the cat who scored the cream went out and blew it on any old thing that sailed before their eyes

    Had to be a reason why the 3 Waters was loved so well that almost everyone across the land hated Labour for it, with Labour & the Sheila (who rode in from the back blocks with it, but couldn't get her lines right without amending the very next day) all got driven out of town over it and other failures

    It looks like the current Govt were doing more than what the last Labour Govt were failing at - in even trying to push flawed initiatives towards the line . Probably explains the vast carnage of Portfolios & Projects all sitting in various stages of disrepair and destruction when Joe Public finally sent the clueless huddle off down the road
    Last edited by nztx; 18-03-2024 at 01:36 PM.


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