Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
I think you will find they are skirting process and will apply directly to the Government for fast tracking. This will be a test to see if the fast track process will be handled responsibly.
If this gets approved it will be an absolute disgrace.

There is no way that a similar process would be allowed on land, but as it's hidden underwater, nothing to see here.

It's a minefield for Shane Jones, pitting one vested interest party vs another.
Jones has recused himself. Bishop and Brown will handle this. NZ, after six years of GRANTS (pun intended), will find this $500 Billion dollar ready to go project, rather handy. The IMF would certainly agree. There is a good precedent to grant unpopular large projects. Clyde comes to mind, and I don't hear any bodies moaning about the pretty cycle ways around Lake Dunstan that became a bi product.