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  1. #671
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Why the Police waste their time on this is beyond me. How many houses were burgled in the past 24 hours that will not be investigated?

  2. #672
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2017


    Despite the fact I don't gives a rats ultimately, how do we know it was a hate crime? Perhaps the citizen was merely restoring the crossing back to its legal requirement. Said, "rainbow" crossings are actually illegal, from NZTA that crossing must be:

    "Reflectorised white - note that the roadway must contrast with the white crossing markings."

    and indeed "visually impaired road users have reported that red and pink colouring between the white lines does not provide adequate contrast."

    just saying....
    Last edited by causecelebre; 12-04-2024 at 12:27 PM.

  3. #673
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    If the Rainbow community are as normal as we are told, wouldn't they want everything to be black and white?

    Just like a normal pedestrian crossing actually.

  4. #674
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Down & out


    I find it quite astonishing that a MP and party leader is giving her opinion on what should happen to someone that is before the courts. Very inappropriate

  5. #675
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    I find it quite astonishing that a MP and party leader is giving her opinion on what should happen to someone that is before the courts. Very inappropriate
    Where is that from Iceman ? Was it on the radio ?

  6. #676
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by RTM View Post
    Where is that from Iceman ? Was it on the radio ?

  7. #677
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Read this from one of the real victims of the so-called protest against the ‘Let the women speak’ event - a female who was assaulted by the LBQT community, led on by the likes of Chloe Swarbrick & Marama Davidson. Where was and is the coverage by the MSM of this assault?

    From Tania Sturt :

    In New Zealand today, the Court decision was made to decline to dismiss two assault charges against Eli Rubashkyn. These assault charges relate to the dousing of Kellie-Jay Keen and me, Tania Sturt, with tomato juice at Let Women Speak Albert Park in Auckland on 25 March 2023.

    Tomato juice is not harmful.

    Pouring unidentified liquid over unsuspecting women who were gathering to speak, is momentarily harmful.
    Publicly silencing non-violent women by intimidation tactics and imposing a physical breach of personal space is harmful. A mere dousing of tomato juice led to mob violence and physical assaults by multiple men on me and others.

    Women’s rights were breached on 25 March – our right to gather peacefully, our right to speak in public and our right to hold personal opinions. These rights were breached by a crowd of approximately 2000 whose reasoning was that women who want to speak in public were hateful and bigoted and we needed to be silenced.

    The New Zealand Police neglected their duty to keep us safe. They stood by and watched, only spurred on to action once Kellie-Jay was near the road. New Zealand women were left to fend for themselves. While Kellie-Jay was escaping in a police car, I was being beaten up. Eventually I made my way out of the park on my own.

    The mob was coordinated by Shaneel Lal who shortly afterwards, while I was still bruised and scarred from that violence, received a Young New Zealander of the Year award. Members of Parliament who were there on 25 March bragged about the violence and congratulated themselves on a job well done. The media tried desperately to rewrite the facts and present it as an equal fight.

    The action of throwing tomato juice over women because you don’t like what they say, speaks to the level of entitlement and misogyny inherent in anti-women activism and was a definitive precursor to the physical violence inflicted by men on (mostly) older women that occurred that day.
    Those violent men who assaulted me have escaped identification and are unlikely to be held to account.

    I am looking forward to holding one person to account in 2023.

    Tania Sturt

    Meanwhile, here’s Chloe Swarbrick on the assaults on females as reported :

    Chloe Swarbrick is the Green MP for Auckland Central. The day after the splenetic scenes in Albert Park, she was glibly tweeting about “revisionist history” and boldly claiming the event had been one of “love and affirmation”. Organisers “went out of their way to diffuse any behaviours they did not condone of”. This Orwellian assertion triggered a scathing backlash because, unfortunately for Chloe, the brutal images which contradicted her anodyne account had already reached a global audience.
    Last edited by Balance; 23-04-2024 at 10:31 AM.

  8. #678
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Man, this is so bad from The Greens. Really desperate.

  9. #679
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Dec 2009


    Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises after confrontation with Minister Matt Doocey, could face further action

    Ooops - Someone just jump off bike and land in the poo

    Has she just been let out of her cage early or blinkers just been removed ?

    Probably can't help herself .. but never mind

    Nothing like a bit of Bully & Intimidate coming out the Unruly Greens is there ?

    Let's see how Chloe & Marama BS their way out this one to try to make Green Jungle
    behaviour brought into the Beehive by a member of their camp look ofay

    Green MP Julie Anne Genter has apologised in Parliament and could face further disciplinary action after a complaint was made of intimidatory behaviour toward Minister Matthew Doocey tonight.

    Genter walked across the debating chamber to Doocey, waved a booklet and spoke angrily to him while getting close to his face.

    The incident happened at about 8pm, while Labour’s Nelson MP Rachel Boyack was speaking and followed some interjections between Doocey and Genter. It was visible in the background of the footage on Parliament TV.

    “Miss Genter. Miss Genter, please resume your seat,” demanded the chair at the time, Barbara Kuriger.

    “It’s not appropriate to get out of one’s seat to go and have an argument with somebody on the other side.”

    Speaker Gerry Brownlee had to be recalled to the debating chamber to deal with the issue after National’s whip Scott Simpson asked Kuriger to do so.

    Simpson said in Parliament that he had never seen anything like it, describing it as a “serious, intimidatory physical attack upon another member.”

    “To have a member rise from their seat, stride across the house and then confront in a most intimidating manner a member of this Chamber, I think is utterly unparliamentary and warrants further investigation and sanction.”

    Brownlee was called back in and Simpson urged him to sanction Genter.

    After some other MPs spoke, Genter stood and said she would like to apologise, saying she had been trying to show Doocey some information in a booklet.

    “It was the last thing I wanted to do was to intimidate anyone in this House. What has absolutely motivated me was a desire to share information that I believed would be of benefit to everyone in this House. And I’m very sorry if in my passion to do so, I was intimidating. That was not my intention.”

    Let's see if Privileges get curtailed
    Last edited by nztx; 02-05-2024 at 12:55 AM.

  10. #680
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises after confrontation with Minister Matt Doocey, could face further action

    Ooops - Someone just jump off bike and land in the poo

    Has she just been let out of her cage early or blinkers just been removed ?

    Probably can't help herself .. but never mind

    Nothing like a bit of Bully & Intimidate coming out the Unruly Greens is there ?

    Let's see how Chloe & Marama BS their way out this one to try to make Green Jungle
    behaviour brought into the Beehive by a member of their camp look ofay

    Let's see if Privileges get curtailed
    On the face of it this seems pretty tame. But I guess when you see various uproars in parliaments overseas descending into biffo you can see why they set high standards.

    Genter would know full well that the appropriate thing to do would be to table the booklet if it contained such vital information pertinent to the debate. Crossing the chamber and waving it in some one's face is akin to someone wandering about a court room without permission. Everything goes through the Speaker.


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