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  1. #191
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 23 - i still am investigating DCX and need to fix PDN

    1 audiav : 271.95 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 54.22 2.85 1302.03 -3.73 4.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 nomis : 244.54 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH 0 -22.67 -28.07 1302.03 -28.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 traineeinvestor : 68.86 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 12 -7.69 104.76 63.79 171.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 Simple Minds : 47.24 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -22.71 48.78 25.42 33.33 151.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 silverblizzard888 : 43.41 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -22.71 98.78 13.16 -19.74 147.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 Baa Baa : 28.15 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO 12.33 -15.71 37.09 98.78 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 paulzun : 24.85 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -13.16 -22.67 21.15 14.41 124.49 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 ScrappyO : 14.56 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 15.71 7.2 -8.46 47.22 11.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 stones : 12.92 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -15.23 -9.74 92.13 -2.8 0.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Leemsip : 11.73 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -6.92 13.43 22.26 -5.54 35.44 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 jennym : 9.32 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -33.33 -30.77 41.18 20.75 48.78 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 ruaboy : 8.74 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -7.53 25.74 -33.33 -22.67 81.48 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 Joshuatree : 8.68 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -11.03 43.98 -23.08 -5.36 38.89 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 '777 : 7.76 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 9.84 2.49 2.85 10.23 13.41 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 Watchful : 3.89 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -28.07 25.74 11.03 9.37 1.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 Ziggy : 2.57 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 23.26 -25.81 42.86 -22.71 -4.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 Greekwatchdog : 2.56 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 98.78 -15.71 -5.26 -20.41 -44.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 wizAlvin : 1.74 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 16.67 -7.69 -37.84 -17.46 55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 airedale : 0.69 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST -0.25 40.82 -17.05 -28.07 7.99 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 Ricky-bobby : 0.62 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT 3.09 11.22 11.72 -0.3 -22.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 mistymountain : 0.19 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 12.9 13.15 -12.4 7.99 -20.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 orchard : -0.37 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -28.07 2.49 7.52 2.82 13.41 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 beetills : -0.66 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF -0.71 1.76 1.81 0 -6.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 Gerald : -1.78 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 32.46 -72.5 -8.62 -0.88 40.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 bohemian : -2.19 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -3.73 23.68 -22.67 46.13 -54.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 greater fool : -3.13 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -34.57 -14.55 -21.43 13.04 41.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 JBmurc : -3.89 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -22.67 81.48 -33.04 -11.25 -33.96 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 Nigel : -4.99 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -21.05 -18.18 4.72 -20.3 29.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 : -5.33 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 8.11 -28.07 -31.62 8.25 16.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 NZSilver : -6.31 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 43.1 -21.39 -61.04 11.32 -3.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 clearasmud : -6.65 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -7.14 -37.02 -14.81 0 25.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 Perky : -7.16 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 2.85 -2.09 11.32 -61.04 13.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 Valuegrowth : -7.66 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -12.86 -3.04 -13.82 -0.49 -8.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 Daytr : -9.21 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -14.29 15.85 -28.07 -19.57 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 stoploss : -10.7 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -14.64 -20.91 -7.13 -22.71 11.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 CAM : -10.94 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -27.27 -5.26 -33.33 -10 21.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 gmatt : -12.05 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -27.04 -67.65 -15.38 -14.44 64.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 Percy : -12.72 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 11.11 -37.84 -61.04 -12.24 36.39 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 Jay : -13.09 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 11.11 -15.23 -10.61 -28.07 -22.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 t.rexjr : -13.5 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -11.46 -6.06 -14.44 -18.18 -17.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Oldiron : -13.86 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -2.29 2.79 24.31 -42 -52.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 clip : -14.06 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -28.07 -22.71 -22.67 -10 13.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 nztx : -14.36 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -22.67 25.74 -37.84 0 -37.02 } cash = 0.002 div = 0
    44 Paddie : -15.56 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -22.67 74.7 -24 -60 -45.83 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 RupertBear : -15.76 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -28.07 -22.67 -65.81 98.78 -61.04 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 whirly : -15.84 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -22.67 -28.75 7.99 -7.69 -28.07 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 DarkHorse : -16.43 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 11.11 -51.72 -16.67 -19.52 -5.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 Borneo : -17 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -9.55 -39.16 -3.54 -33.33 0.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 ADogsLife : -17.91 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -5.26 15.85 -22.73 -22.67 -54.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 younga : -18.09 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -24 55.56 -28.75 -43.24 -50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 micket : -18.15 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -8.77 -20.21 -38.67 -23.08 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 Sous87 : -20.96 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -22.67 -30.77 -14.81 -28.07 -8.47 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 mike2020 : -21.25 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY -2.09 -56.25 -20 -5.26 -22.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    54 Aotea : -22.08 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -28.07 -22.67 -23.08 -27.04 -9.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    55 10Bagger : -24.17 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -23.08 -17.31 -30.77 -27.04 -22.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 freebee : -24.67 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -27.04 -42 -28.07 -22.67 -3.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 Ferg : -26.18 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -25.6 0 -28.57 -61.04 -15.71 } cash = 0 div = 0
    58 Azza : -28.02 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -28.07 -22.67 -61.04 -5.26 -23.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    59 Scrunch : -39.7 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 -3.8 -42 -59.65 -45.45 -47.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 62.57 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD 0.08 0 -15.31 345.45 -17.39 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest : 34.38 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -37.84 147.57 -61.04 104.76 18.42 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 25.97 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC 4.31 8.97 36.28 66.67 13.61 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : 3.57 % { LRS AKM ARV GCX RDM -28.07 80.95 -5.26 -100 70.21 } cash = 0 div = 0 error GCX [Missing Ticker] GCX [Zero value Ticker]
    nztx guest : -5.39 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -13.33 -15.38 -5.26 8.87 -1.83 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -11.23 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO -2.5 -15.38 0 -42.86 4.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -12.13 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -38.89 -24.19 -28.07 -17.33 47.83 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -18.66 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -48.21 -17.02 -9.09 -20.21 1.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -24.5 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -38.46 -45 5 -2.86 -41.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -26.39 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -37.84 -28.57 -28.07 -22.67 -14.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -27.95 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -22.67 -28.07 -61.04 -5.26 -22.71 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -30.98 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -22.67 -28.07 -61.04 -5.26 -37.84 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  2. #192
    ShareTrader Legend
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    PDN looks like it had a 10 for 1 Consolidation approved on 9 April:

  3. #193
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post
    PDN looks like it had a 10 for 1 Consolidation approved on 9 April:
    wiz mentioned that in the first line of his post.

  4. #194
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week
    DCX may be a total loss - shares are being exchanged - but i have no knowledge if cash has / can be exchanged - certainly not through ASX - still investigating

    1 traineeinvestor : 62.97 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 12 -10.77 104.76 51.72 157.14 } cash = 0
    2 silverblizzard888 : 43.14 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -25.31 100 10.53 -17.11 147.57 } cash = 0
    3 Simple Minds : 40.16 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -25.31 56.1 15.25 30.43 124.32 } cash = 0
    4 paulzun : 32.53 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -10.53 -22.67 57.69 13.64 124.49 } cash = 0
    5 Baa Baa : 28.51 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO 12.22 -15.71 38.97 100 7.07 } cash = 0
    6 audiav : 18.15 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 54.22 1.51 33.6 -2.48 3.88 } cash = 0
    7 ScrappyO : 16.72 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 20 16.1 -7.44 47.22 7.73 } cash = 0
    8 jennym : 12.41 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -38.89 -28.85 52.94 20.75 56.1 } cash = 0
    9 stones : 10.02 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -11.82 -14.4 81.89 -2.89 -2.7 } cash = 0
    10 Leemsip : 9.27 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -9.23 11.94 22.26 -7.75 29.11 } cash = 0
    11 ruaboy : 6.7 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -5.82 13.86 -33.33 -22.67 81.48 } cash = 0
    12 '777 : 6.38 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 7.99 1.06 1.51 9.15 12.18 } cash = 0
    13 Joshuatree : 4.62 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -11.76 43.37 -38.46 -8.93 38.89 } cash = 0
    14 airedale : 4.06 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST 2.27 48.98 -15.27 -26.32 10.62 } cash = 0
    15 wizAlvin : 3.64 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 11.11 -1.92 -35.14 -15.87 60 } cash = 0
    16 Greekwatchdog : 2.55 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 100 -15.71 -10.53 -28.57 -32.43 } cash = 0
    17 Watchful : 2.31 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -26.32 13.86 7.36 12.5 4.13 } cash = 0
    18 mistymountain : 0.77 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 19.35 8.68 -12.4 10.62 -22.41 } cash = 0
    19 Ricky-bobby : 0.54 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT 3.09 10.67 10.35 1.2 -22.62 } cash = 0
    20 orchard : -0.67 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -26.32 1.06 6.36 3.36 12.18 } cash = 0
    21 beetills : -1.96 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF -1.79 0.31 0 -0.3 -8.02 } cash = 0
    22 greater fool : -2.06 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -37.04 -16.36 -17.86 13.04 47.92 } cash = 0
    23 bohemian : -2.51 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -2.48 23.68 -22.67 45.24 -56.31 } cash = 0
    24 NZSilver : -3.25 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 35.34 -19.65 -51.95 23.82 -3.8 } cash = 0
    25 Perky : -3.53 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 1.51 0.29 23.82 -51.95 8.68 } cash = 0
    26 Nigel : -3.83 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -19.3 -18.18 3 -21.05 36.36 } cash = 0
    27 JBmurc : -4.16 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -22.67 81.48 -35.65 -10 -33.96 } cash = 0
    28 Gerald : -4.21 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 34.21 -72.5 -6.9 -0.88 25 } cash = 0
    29 Ziggy : -4.27 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 20.24 -25.81 14.29 -25.31 -4.76 } cash = 0
    30 CAM : -4.69 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -27.27 -10.53 -33.33 -10 57.69 } cash = 0
    31 gmatt : -6.14 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -22.01 -60.29 -15.38 -15.56 82.54 } cash = 0
    32 clearasmud : -8.48 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -8.57 -42.31 -15.74 10.34 13.86 } cash = 0
    33 : -8.6 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 7.4 -26.32 -31.15 7.07 0 } cash = 0
    34 nomis : -9.29 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH 0 -22.67 -26.32 33.6 -31.07 } cash = 0
    35 Valuegrowth : -9.61 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -10.55 -8.86 -18.91 0.86 -10.61 } cash = 0
    36 Daytr : -11.07 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -28.57 14.63 -26.32 -21.74 6.67 } cash = 0
    37 Percy : -12.1 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 7.73 -35.14 -51.95 -14.29 33.11 } cash = 0
    38 stoploss : -12.23 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -18.57 -23.36 -8.05 -25.31 14.14 } cash = 0
    39 whirly : -12.31 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -22.67 -21.25 10.62 -1.92 -26.32 } cash = 0
    40 RupertBear : -13.09 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -26.32 -22.67 -64.52 100 -51.95 } cash = 0
    41 Jay : -13.32 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 7.73 -11.82 -13.55 -26.32 -22.67 } cash = 0
    42 Paddie : -13.93 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -22.67 74.7 -20 -60 -41.67 } cash = 0
    43 Oldiron : -14.38 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -1.53 3.59 21.56 -42 -53.52 } cash = 0
    44 clip : -15.12 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -26.32 -25.31 -22.67 -10 8.68 } cash = 0
    45 t.rexjr : -16.85 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -11.46 -8.08 -15.56 -27.27 -21.87 } cash = 0
    46 nztx : -17.25 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -22.67 13.86 -35.14 0 -42.31 } cash = 0.002
    47 Borneo : -18.11 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -13.38 -38.55 -3.8 -33.33 -1.47 } cash = 0
    48 younga : -20.41 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -20 33.33 -21.25 -40.54 -53.57 } cash = 0
    49 DarkHorse : -20.45 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 7.73 -51.72 -25 -24.3 -8.93 } cash = 0
    50 ADogsLife : -20.51 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -10.53 14.63 -28.18 -22.67 -55.79 } cash = 0
    51 mike2020 : -20.75 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY 0.29 -58.33 -12.5 -10.53 -22.67 } cash = 0
    52 Aotea : -21.49 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -26.32 -22.67 -23.08 -22.01 -13.38 } cash = 0
    53 micket : -21.94 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -12.28 -22.34 -26.67 -30.77 -17.65 } cash = 0
    54 Sous87 : -23.21 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -22.67 -42.31 -15.74 -26.32 -9.01 } cash = 0
    55 freebee : -23.36 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -22.01 -42 -26.32 -22.67 -3.8 } cash = 0
    56 Ferg : -24.48 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -27.98 -1.75 -25 -51.95 -15.71 } cash = 0
    57 10Bagger : -24.71 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -23.08 -13.46 -42.31 -22.01 -22.67 } cash = 0
    58 Azza : -26.91 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -26.32 -22.67 -51.95 -10.53 -23.08 } cash = 0
    59 Scrunch : -38.02 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 -2.53 -42 -59.65 -45.45 -40.48 } cash = 0
    Watchful Guest : 58.94 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -3.92 0 -14.29 327.27 -14.35 } cash = 0
    DarkHorse Guest : 34.98 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -35.14 147.57 -51.95 104.76 9.65 } cash = 0
    stoploss Guest : 25.48 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC 11.21 4.14 37.17 60.7 14.21 } cash = 0
    JBmurc guest : -2.01 % { LRS AKM ARV GCX RDM -26.32 61.9 -10.53 -100 64.89 } cash = 0
    nztx guest : -7.02 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -13.33 -15.38 -10.53 10.48 -6.36 } cash = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -12.35 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO -2.5 -17.95 0 -42.86 1.54 } cash = 0
    gmatt guest : -17.13 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -44.44 -32.15 -26.32 -21.87 39.13 } cash = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -19.52 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -57.14 -12.77 -9.09 -22.34 3.75 } cash = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -25.7 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -42.31 -50 5 0 -41.18 } cash = 0
    '777 Guest : -26.19 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -35.14 -31.07 -26.32 -22.67 -15.74 } cash = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -27.35 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -22.67 -26.32 -51.95 -10.53 -25.31 } cash = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -29.32 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -22.67 -26.32 -51.95 -10.53 -35.14 } cash = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #195
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland



    nztx : Hi Whiz - can I please convert DCX to Cash :: 7th april 10 pm Sunday

    DCX,20240408,0.002,0.002,0.002,0.002,0 ==> the next trading day monday :
    open price = $0.002 :: change to cash not possible - no volume


    However no shares have been transacted to date since the request was made ==> no shares have been transacted since 7 April 2024
    therefore the DCX cannot be converted to cash

    My convert to cash action could not have be action-ed; my bad. i shall correct.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  6. #196
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week

    1 traineeinvestor : 62.97 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 12 -10.77 104.76 51.72 157.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 silverblizzard888 : 43.14 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -25.31 100 10.53 -17.11 147.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 Simple Minds : 40.16 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -25.31 56.1 15.25 30.43 124.32 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 paulzun : 32.53 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -10.53 -22.67 57.69 13.64 124.49 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 Baa Baa : 28.51 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO 12.22 -15.71 38.97 100 7.07 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 audiav : 18.15 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 54.22 1.51 33.6 -2.48 3.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 ScrappyO : 16.72 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 20 16.1 -7.44 47.22 7.73 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 jennym : 12.41 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -38.89 -28.85 52.94 20.75 56.1 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 stones : 10.02 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -11.82 -14.4 81.89 -2.89 -2.7 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Leemsip : 9.27 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -9.23 11.94 22.26 -7.75 29.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 ruaboy : 6.7 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -5.82 13.86 -33.33 -22.67 81.48 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 '777 : 6.38 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 7.99 1.06 1.51 9.15 12.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 Joshuatree : 4.62 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -11.76 43.37 -38.46 -8.93 38.89 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 airedale : 4.06 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST 2.27 48.98 -15.27 -26.32 10.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 wizAlvin : 3.64 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 11.11 -1.92 -35.14 -15.87 60 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 Greekwatchdog : 2.55 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 100 -15.71 -10.53 -28.57 -32.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 Watchful : 2.31 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -26.32 13.86 7.36 12.5 4.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 mistymountain : 0.77 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 19.35 8.68 -12.4 10.62 -22.41 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 Ricky-bobby : 0.54 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT 3.09 10.67 10.35 1.2 -22.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 orchard : -0.67 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -26.32 1.06 6.36 3.36 12.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 beetills : -1.96 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF -1.79 0.31 0 -0.3 -8.02 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 greater fool : -2.06 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -37.04 -16.36 -17.86 13.04 47.92 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 bohemian : -2.51 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -2.48 23.68 -22.67 45.24 -56.31 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 NZSilver : -3.25 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 35.34 -19.65 -51.95 23.82 -3.8 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 Perky : -3.53 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 1.51 0.29 23.82 -51.95 8.68 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 Nigel : -3.83 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -19.3 -18.18 3 -21.05 36.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 JBmurc : -4.16 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -22.67 81.48 -35.65 -10 -33.96 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 Gerald : -4.21 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 34.21 -72.5 -6.9 -0.88 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 Ziggy : -4.27 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 20.24 -25.81 14.29 -25.31 -4.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 CAM : -4.69 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -27.27 -10.53 -33.33 -10 57.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 gmatt : -6.14 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -22.01 -60.29 -15.38 -15.56 82.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 clearasmud : -8.48 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -8.57 -42.31 -15.74 10.34 13.86 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 : -8.6 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 7.4 -26.32 -31.15 7.07 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 nomis : -9.29 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH 0 -22.67 -26.32 33.6 -31.07 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 Valuegrowth : -9.61 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -10.55 -8.86 -18.91 0.86 -10.61 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 Daytr : -11.07 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -28.57 14.63 -26.32 -21.74 6.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 Percy : -12.1 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 7.73 -35.14 -51.95 -14.29 33.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 stoploss : -12.23 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -18.57 -23.36 -8.05 -25.31 14.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 whirly : -12.31 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -22.67 -21.25 10.62 -1.92 -26.32 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 RupertBear : -13.09 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -26.32 -22.67 -64.52 100 -51.95 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Jay : -13.32 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 7.73 -11.82 -13.55 -26.32 -22.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 Paddie : -13.93 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -22.67 74.7 -20 -60 -41.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 Oldiron : -14.38 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -1.53 3.59 21.56 -42 -53.52 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 clip : -15.12 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -26.32 -25.31 -22.67 -10 8.68 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 t.rexjr : -16.85 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -11.46 -8.08 -15.56 -27.27 -21.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 nztx : -17.25 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -22.67 13.86 -35.14 0 -42.31 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 Borneo : -18.11 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -13.38 -38.55 -3.8 -33.33 -1.47 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 younga : -20.41 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -20 33.33 -21.25 -40.54 -53.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 DarkHorse : -20.45 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 7.73 -51.72 -25 -24.3 -8.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 ADogsLife : -20.51 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -10.53 14.63 -28.18 -22.67 -55.79 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 mike2020 : -20.75 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY 0.29 -58.33 -12.5 -10.53 -22.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 Aotea : -21.49 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -26.32 -22.67 -23.08 -22.01 -13.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 micket : -21.94 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -12.28 -22.34 -26.67 -30.77 -17.65 } cash = 0 div = 0
    54 Sous87 : -23.21 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -22.67 -42.31 -15.74 -26.32 -9.01 } cash = 0 div = 0
    55 freebee : -23.36 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -22.01 -42 -26.32 -22.67 -3.8 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 Ferg : -24.48 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -27.98 -1.75 -25 -51.95 -15.71 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 10Bagger : -24.71 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -23.08 -13.46 -42.31 -22.01 -22.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    58 Azza : -26.91 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -26.32 -22.67 -51.95 -10.53 -23.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    59 Scrunch : -38.02 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 -2.53 -42 -59.65 -45.45 -40.48 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 58.94 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -3.92 0 -14.29 327.27 -14.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest : 34.98 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -35.14 147.57 -51.95 104.76 9.65 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 25.48 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC 11.21 4.14 37.17 60.7 14.21 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : -2.01 % { LRS AKM ARV GCX RDM -26.32 61.9 -10.53 -100 64.89 } cash = 0 div = 0 error GCX [Missing Ticker] GCX [Zero value Ticker]
    nztx guest : -7.02 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -13.33 -15.38 -10.53 10.48 -6.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dead ducks : -12.35 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO -2.5 -17.95 0 -42.86 1.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -17.13 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -44.44 -32.15 -26.32 -21.87 39.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -19.52 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -57.14 -12.77 -9.09 -22.34 3.75 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -25.7 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -42.31 -50 5 0 -41.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -26.19 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -35.14 -31.07 -26.32 -22.67 -15.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -27.35 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -22.67 -26.32 -51.95 -10.53 -25.31 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -29.32 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -22.67 -26.32 -51.95 -10.53 -35.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  7. #197
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week

    1 traineeinvestor : 55.77 % { BOL CCG MMI MLX SRZ 8 -10.77 104.76 48.28 128.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 silverblizzard888 : 53.95 % { NEU TSK BOT CLG FND -21.11 98.78 31.58 -21.05 181.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 Simple Minds : 48.24 % { NEU DXB PER NTI DRO -21.11 75.61 30.51 31.88 124.32 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 audiav : 32.38 % { GHY MQG PDN SQ2 SVW 98.8 0.11 57.36 -0.22 5.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 Baa Baa : 27.73 % { SNZ OCA A2M TSK XRO 11.15 -23.37 40.61 98.78 11.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 paulzun : 27.26 % { PGO MAY WMG WES MAG -18.42 -29.33 50 19.76 114.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 ScrappyO : 20.98 % { SPZ XRF ABB GNX ACF 38.57 15.25 -4.36 47.22 8.21 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 stones : 13.77 % { FMG BHP ZIP JHX SGP -11.58 -15.87 102.36 -5.15 -0.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 jennym : 11.16 % { HAR PFE STN MMA DXB -41.67 -23.08 41.18 3.77 75.61 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Joshuatree : 8.73 % { ENN MEA PPL SEQ CCR -13.24 45.78 -30.77 -5.36 47.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 '777 : 8.1 % { ANZ CBA MQG NAB WBC 9.88 3.07 0.11 12.05 15.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 Leemsip : 7.52 % { GDI GDC SRV OBL EML -6.15 8.96 24.63 -15.13 25.32 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 Watchful : 6.08 % { LRS SMI SLX SVL WGX -17.54 12.87 33.79 3.13 -1.83 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 ruaboy : 5.16 % { LRT SMI NAE MAY POD -9.59 12.87 -33.33 -29.33 85.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 Greekwatchdog : 4.14 % { TSK OCA ARV PEB MGA 98.78 -23.37 -15.79 -13.27 -25.68 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 mistymountain : 4.12 % { HZN BOE NHC NST MLM 12.9 31.76 -8.33 4.98 -20.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 NZSilver : 2.08 % { PRO ADA HCL RMD PLS 55.17 -20.23 -59.74 29.36 5.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 Perky : 1.75 % { MQG MIN RMD HCL BOE 0.11 7.24 29.36 -59.74 31.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 orchard : 1.15 % { LRS CBA ALD WHC WBC -17.54 3.07 -2.38 7.26 15.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 airedale : 1.08 % { EVN FXG GOR LRS NST -5.81 42.86 -19.08 -17.54 4.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 : 0.81 % { COH LRS WBT XRO ADY 7.42 -17.54 -30.68 11.5 33.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 Ricky-bobby : 0.61 % { FLT TWE WEB S32 BKT 0.69 4.82 11.44 7.51 -21.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 Ziggy : -0.93 % { PNV HAW AVE NEU RMY 26.28 -19.35 14.29 -21.11 -4.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 beetills : -1.66 % { AAC BEN BOQ QRI RFF -3.21 0.93 -3.62 0.91 -3.3 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 wizAlvin : -3.01 % { ACP ABV ATP CCE RIM 11.11 -3.85 -43.24 -19.05 40 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 nomis : -4.4 % { AVZ MAY LRS PDN HGH 0 -29.33 -17.54 57.36 -32.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 greater fool : -4.74 % { G6M PYC RFX SVM TLX -51.85 -4.55 -25 6.52 51.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 JBmurc : -5.19 % { MAY POD IVZ KSN AEE -29.33 85.19 -39.13 -12.5 -30.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 Nigel : -5.4 % { BCI K2F GOZ IIQ IMC -17.54 -15.45 1.72 -25.56 29.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 gmatt : -6.62 % { CNB CPM HMX IKE SXG -17.61 -64.71 -15.38 -15.56 80.16 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Valuegrowth : -8.01 % { AUDS SNAS RIC BEAR ING -9.1 -8.1 -18.55 0.25 -4.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 CAM : -11.1 % { GMN ARV NAE PEC WMG -36.36 -15.79 -33.33 -20 50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 clearasmud : -11.15 % { CCM JLL VR8 AW1 SMI -12.86 -42.31 -20.37 6.9 12.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 clip : -11.24 % { LRS NEU MAY PEC BOE -17.54 -21.11 -29.33 -20 31.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 Daytr : -11.5 % { OAU CST LRS AAU CYM -28.57 9.76 -17.54 -47.83 26.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 Jay : -11.72 % { ACF FMG LYC LRS MAY 8.21 -11.58 -8.38 -17.54 -29.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 stoploss : -11.77 % { ABY CTD HLI NEU PME -20 -23.11 -13.1 -21.11 18.46 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 Oldiron : -13.3 % { ALK DEG DYL CXO SYA -12.21 -0.8 44.04 -44 -53.52 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 whirly : -14.15 % { MAY FDR NST ABV LRS -29.33 -25 4.98 -3.85 -17.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 Percy : -14.9 % { ACF ATP HCL HMY JYC 8.21 -43.24 -59.74 -11.22 31.48 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Borneo : -14.95 % { TLG ARX PLS EVS SKC -5.73 -34.34 5.82 -34.62 -5.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 RupertBear : -15.12 % { LRS MAY DUB TSK HCL -17.54 -29.33 -67.74 98.78 -59.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 micket : -15.78 % { EQR HGO ALC SER SEN -14.04 -20.21 -8 -30.77 -5.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 Aotea : -18.66 % { LRS MAY RNU CNB TLG -17.54 -29.33 -23.08 -17.61 -5.73 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 DarkHorse : -18.9 % { ACF CTQ KYP PPE SEQ 8.21 -55.17 -17.5 -24.7 -5.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 t.rexjr : -19.89 % { BRL HUM IKE SGC SKO -11.46 -9.09 -15.56 -45.45 -17.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 Paddie : -19.98 % { MAY EXR TEG TMK BLU -29.33 44.58 -16 -53.33 -45.83 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 nztx : -20.4 % { MAY SMI ATP DCX JLL -29.33 12.87 -43.24 0 -42.31 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 freebee : -20.53 % { CNB CXO LRS MAY PLS -17.61 -44 -17.54 -29.33 5.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 younga : -20.75 % { TEG PCL FDR MLS MGU -16 27.78 -25 -40.54 -50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 mike2020 : -20.91 % { MIN STX RDN ARV MAY 7.24 -54.17 -12.5 -15.79 -29.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 ADogsLife : -24.16 % { ARV CST IMU MAY GRE -15.79 9.76 -25.45 -29.33 -60 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 Gerald : -25.77 % { TWR CMD URF ORR SRX 28.07 -75 -6.9 -100 25 } cash = 0 div = 0 error ORR [Missing Ticker] ORR [Zero value Ticker]
    54 Sous87 : -25.88 % { MAY IXR VR8 LRS WDS -29.33 -50 -20.37 -17.54 -12.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    55 10Bagger : -27.08 % { RNU MEI IXR CNB MAY -23.08 -15.38 -50 -17.61 -29.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    56 Ferg : -27.34 % { DGL FEX FNX HCL OCA -28.57 1.75 -26.79 -59.74 -23.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    57 bohemian : -29.05 % { SQ2 DTC MAY WA1 FL1 -0.22 -100 -29.33 44.52 -60.19 } cash = 0 div = 0 error DTC [Missing Ticker] DTC [Zero value Ticker]
    58 Azza : -29.1 % { LRS MAY HCL ARV RNU -17.54 -29.33 -59.74 -15.79 -23.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    59 Scrunch : -36.63 % { A11 CXO GT1 TG6 E25 0 -44 -64.91 -33.77 -40.48 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Watchful Guest : 55.67 % { EVT EPN CPV NYR CRD -2.45 0 -6.12 309.09 -22.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest : 38.25 % { ATP FND HCL MMI OPT -43.24 181.55 -59.74 104.76 7.89 } cash = 0 div = 0
    stoploss Guest : 22.25 % { CVW CYG MYG STP TPC 3.45 1.38 53.98 38.31 14.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    JBmurc guest : 4.18 % { LRS AKM ARV GCX RDM -17.54 100 -15.79 -100 54.26 } cash = 0 div = 0 error GCX [Missing Ticker] GCX [Zero value Ticker]
    percy guest dead ducks : -8.25 % { AER AFL DDT ERG KNO -22.5 -20.51 0 -42.86 44.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nztx guest : -9.79 % { STM HMX ARV EVO MFG -20 -15.38 -15.79 8.06 -5.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    gmatt guest : -14.83 % { AQI CHN LRS SKO WWI -36.11 -33.04 -17.54 -17.87 30.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest : -22.33 % { ADR ATR COI HGO IDA -67.86 -13.48 -11.36 -20.21 1.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy guest dd lorraina : -24.43 % { CF1 FCT SCL SES TYX -38.46 -47.5 5 0 -41.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest : -28.6 % { ATP HGH LRS MAY VR8 -43.24 -32.5 -17.54 -29.33 -20.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 2 Guest : -28.7 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV NEU -29.33 -17.54 -59.74 -15.79 -21.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    top 5 tickers 1 Guest : -33.13 % { MAY LRS HCL ARV ATP -29.33 -17.54 -59.74 -15.79 -43.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Market Announcement
    2 May 2024
    2 May 2024 Market Announcement 1/1
    ASX Limited ASX Customer Service Centre 131 279 |
    Orecorp Limited (ASX: ORR) – Removal from Official List
    Orecorp Limited (‘ORR’) will be removed from the Official List at the close of trading on Thursday, 2 May 2024
    under Listing Rule 17.14, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.14, being the 3rd business day following the date
    on which ORR’s securities were suspended pursuant to Listing Rule 17.4.
    Issued by
    ASX Compliance

    Removal following compulsory acquisition notices
    17.14 If all the quoted + securities of an entity have been suspended under rule 17.4 or rule 17.4A,
    ASX will remove the entity at the close of trading on a date decided by ASX.
    Introduced 01/07/96 Origin: Procedure 2(a) Amended 01/07/97, 13/03/00
    Note: Normally the removal takes place on the 3rd business day following the date on which the entity’s securities
    were suspended. No request for removal is required.

    The compulsory acquisition will be on the same terms as those that applied to the acquisition of
    OreCorp Shares pursuant to the Offer. This means you will receive A$0.575 per OreCorp Share that you
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 05-05-2024 at 08:11 PM. Reason: 17.14 compulsory aquisition
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  9. #199
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Market Announcement
    30 April 2024
    30 April 2024 Market Announcement 1/1
    ASX Limited ASX Customer Service Centre 131 279 |
    Damstra Holdings Limited (ASX: DTC) – Removal from Official
    Damstra Holdings Limited (‘DTC’) will be removed from the Official List at the close of trading on Tuesday,
    30 April 2024 in accordance with Listing Rule 17.11, following implementation of the scheme of arrangement
    between DTC and its shareholders in connection with the acquisition of all the issued capital in DTC by Ideagen
    (Australia) Cerium BidCo Pty Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ideagen Limited).
    Issued by
    ASX Compliance

    17.1.1 The length of the + trading halt cannot exceed the period permitted under ASX’s
    Operating Rules.
    Amended 11/03/04
    Note: ASX Operating Rule 16.4.2 says that a trading halt can be applied for a period not exceeding the
    commencement of normal trading on the second trading day following the day on which it is requested.
    Example: On a Monday afternoon a company tells ASX that it expects an important announcement to be
    made regarding a major acquisition. Owing to the status of negotiations it is uncertain whether the
    announcement will be made that day or the following day. The company asks for and is granted a trading
    halt. The trading halt will operate until the announcement is made or the commencement of trading on the
    Wednesday, whichever occurs sooner
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 05-05-2024 at 08:03 PM. Reason: 17.11
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    GCX to TM1

    ASX Announcement | 16 April 2024
    Terra Metals Limited (formerly GCX Metals Limited) (ASX:GCX) (“Terra” or “Company”)
    advises that a General Meeting of shareholders was held today, 16 April 2024, at 10:00am
    The resolutions voted on were in accordance with the Notice of General Meeting previously
    advised to the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”).
    All resolutions were decided on and carried by way of a poll.
    In accordance with Section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001 and ASX Listing Rule 3.13.2,
    the details of the poll and the proxies received in respect of each resolution are set out in
    the attached summary.
    Change of Name
    Following shareholder approval at the General Meeting held today, the Company’s name
    has been changed to ‘Terra Metals Limited’.
    A certificate of change of company name from the Australian Securities and Investment
    Commission (“ASIC”) is attached.
    The ASX code for the Company will change to ‘TM1’ in due course.
    This announcement has been authorised for release by the Company Secretary, Greg Swan.
    For further information, please contact:
    Thomas Line
    CEO & Managing Director
    Tel: +61 8 9322 6322
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

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