google telling me that AIA has a backwards PE of 74 and a trailing divy of 1.36% - not sure how accurate it is (as I cant be bothered crunching the proper numbers just now), but recent downgrades by THL and AIR... so assuming you lump AIA into the the same tourism sector; must be challenging environment for them too? plus POT, NPH etc all below covid lows if you lump it in with the infrastructure sector. & then property stocks all getting smashed recently too if you treat it as a property play. plus from what I recall they have lots of capex coming up, & the com com looking at their airline fees? general market down recently; more blood to come? surprised AIA holding up so well. can only assume its all of those ETFs and Funds keeping it up? maybe it should be late 5s low 6s? anyone closely following this one want to share any thoughts?