Quote Originally Posted by bull.... View Post
might be why the stocks heading to lows again eh ? might go under 2 this time ?
Eastpack AGM tonight in Tauranga but I'm in Auckland so won't be going.

SEK. Apart from volumes being lower than forecast (rough guess 15 percent max), Then I don't think there is anything to see here. The season gold harvest has gone like clockwork.

Green. There is quite competitive pricing for Packing so the margins are alot smaller. Maybe that is having an impact but I dont know the dollars.

I personally think it's the higher for longer interest rates and lack of NZX and grower capital that is reflected in the sp.

It's a bargain at these prices for sure. If Eastpack had the capital (or Atleast wanted to take on the debt risk) then I'm sure they would be making a merger or takeover offer at these levels. But the current Board doesn't really have the skill set to dream up such grand plans.