I might be egyptian macdunk.... I may want to take everything with me to the afterlife..haha []...
does anyone agree with my summation???, because there aint no way that even at 450 after tax plus two flatmates say 100 a pop each equals 650 less weekly loan payments of 512 equals $138 to survive on...

maybe foodee, you could do it real hard for a few years... get your pay rise and then just, use that extra cash to live on... take the 30year loan, and breeze through until your 52 without kids, because you need their rooms for the dough... []...lol

Yes I have a plan macdunk, it aint nuffin to do with property, the cream at the top dont spend 20plus years to gain a 300,000 investment... so nor shall I... and even if your investment doubles... you are still paying $799,000 in total over 30 years...

my argument has nothing to do with the outlook on property... it is to do with the first homebuyers outlook on their life long debt ridden goal...