Hey, drillfix, thanks - I am gonna try trade trakker - it is US$34.95 one time payment only, which is fine, but only if it handles multi currency adequately. Quick glance suggests it just keeps them separate with no conversion (which would be useless. I need to record exchange rate on the day purchased and express total in NZD equiv. This is necessary for tax too.)

Mark and Steve, for size of my portfolio, I would not want to pay $39/month for the rest of my life, perhaps about $10,000-$20,000 (in today's dollars). You can buy a pretty sohisticated accounting package for that sort of money.
Haven't actually broken even yet from 2007 first year investing, so no wasteful spending yet. (I eat sandwiches for lunch, not up to the scale of restaurant lunches with valet parking for the Lambo. Day job still pays for that sandwich.)