Thought I would try and pick some your brains about the current subdivsions in Christchurch.

We are currently looking at building our first house. Originally we liked the idea of Gainsborough out in West Melton,
but the more we look into it the more we think its probably just out of our reach, mainly due to having to have a minmum size house of 250m. So, insteaad of this we are considering looking in town for a smaller section, 650m+, building a high spec home, trying to pay off what mortgage we would have in the next 5 years, then look to sell and build a bigger house on a bigger section.

Out of the main subdivisons in CHCH, which would you consider the best bet for holding and increasing in value. We have looked at the following, and these are our current thoughts:

Aidanfield- nice, but the motorway going in the back of it could be a concern for trying to sell in the future??

Delamain- those powerlines that run through are a big turn off, but if we were far enough away from them it could perhaps be a option.

Linden grove- relatively cheap, but borders on Sunnyside mental health hospital, so not to keen.

Northwood- neither here nor there at the moment, pretty neutral, seem to be paying a bit of a premium..(then again is it a case of you get what you pay for??)

Burwood/Waitikiri- too pricey for what they seem to want/hard to find any sections for sale at all.

Are there any others that we should be considering? We have looked at Rolleston as well, but really didnt like the feel of it compared to West Melton, so have pretty rules that out which is a shame as theres some cheap dirt out there.

Any thoughts or advice anyone could give us?
Our budget for house and land is 500k.
