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  1. #2471
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    Did you mean whinging? Or are you referring to the fact that the average kiwi in Oz is making more than the average Ocker and is there "winging it"?
    Now see, you made the connection just how I thought you would with my double-entendre. Congrats belg nice to now you are so easy to guide, clearly you are easy lead. This is the problem with you, the written word is just that, no need to dissect what others have stated, but you feel free to do what you want in your own little world, after all it is you who likes to play games.

  2. #2472
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    You didn't read the link or seek to improve you understanding of the facts did you ... Ho Hum ... Do you get all your information from the drunks in your local pub? Or are you actually one of them? Methinks the latter.
    Really, another cool story, I'm the one who posted the link ZB remember now? I'll leave the drinking up to you and your B.S stories belg. Did you really think you had a leg to stand on with your 2% against my 98%? You don't know the full facts but you posted anyway. Kind of like diving into the shallow end of a pool and braking you neck. belg, think first and post second, you wont be such a lightweight with that advice.
    Anyway you put it, 98% of 100% is dam close to perfect and dam close to perfect does not deserve an outburst from Cunliffe. Think about it, even Cunliffe wouldn't be so bold or stupid, he's made a cock-up. I don't think he is anywhere near where he needs to be, I'm feeling very confident the Nats will do Labour by a healthy margin. Every time Cunliffe opens his mouth, votes flow straight out and away from him. But hey belg, keep talking, your a great source of entertainment, at least tonight your not making up cool stories about me --- yet.

  3. #2473
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    I suspect that he has. Look up his "last post" and it is marked with N/A.
    Quote Originally Posted by Major von Tempsky View Post
    Belge - any quotes, contrary facts, holes in his logic. very quickly becomes very personal and very insulting to anyone who dares to disagree with him. Ad hominem attacks are the norm for him.

    It's only the newbies and slavering left wingers who are exempt from his poison and the newbies quickly get attacked in personal terms.
    I can never understand why he hasn't been banned from this Forum like rmbbrave and several others....

  4. #2474
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    Err, wouldn't that be more likely for the person running the country as he has more commitments. That's what he has ministers for.
    I doubt anybody in parliament would credibly argue John key isn't hard working. I'm sure the same goes for cunliffe.
    Its the minor ministers that are never there that bugs me.

  5. #2475
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    Add "delusional" ... (and its not a double-entendre).

    By the way ... How many days was Key absent from parliament since 2011? Hint: it was more than Hone's.
    This is going just as I suspected. You have got to smarten up belg. You are posting in the style exactly how others said you would. You have taken up role as the spelling police on a word that was not even miss-spelled BTW, just the wrong meaning of a word, that was your mistake. Now all you can do is insult me more. Great, I knew you would because that's all you can do.
    Why are you posting in this style? That would be real easy - because there is nothing but fantastic news about our economy right now.

    John Key & Bill English have done a great job turning around our economy and that is why we see good news being reported daily now belg.
    Here is a couple more:

    On the other hand the fat rooster has had one of his hens escape from the hen house and after leaving a big hole in the chicken wire & hens pecking each other, he's now chasing all the other girls too. Problem is he is too fat & slow to catch up with them. He might be lost in the bush because nobody has seen or heard from him for a while now.

    David Cunliffe is in the news for all the wrong reasons with allegations of misleading the NZ public. He will need to get his facts right if Labour has a chance.
    What do you know, this from today -
    What Mr Cunliffe failed to clarify in the speech was that parents won't be eligible for the $60 dollar a week baby bonus while they're on paid parental leave. Cunliffe denies misleading the public, well what was it then, just tell the whole truth & he will be fine. If you don't tell the whole truth then that is very misleading - and it was.

    The Greens are all out of misinformation currently and just pat Cunliffe on the back every time he makes a statement. I suspect Russel Norman also whispers in Cunliffe ear, "That's OK Dave, we'll get it right next time". Great to have support like that, sort of like the Wallabies after all but one of the recent Test matches against the All Blacks.

    That's why you post this way belg. getting personal is a sign that no good news is available for the left and there is an overwhelming amount of good news for the Govt. You have nothing good to say so insults it is. I've been told you are always this way to newbies and anybody on the right side, it must be tough being a Labour supporter these days belg.

    To answer your dig at John Key; Just like slimwin said. Good grief man, have you no idea how Parliament works? That would be like me saying look how many days Hone was absent from being the P.M. John Key is your Prime Minister belg. and in representing you, he must travel throughout NZ and internationally. He will miss many days in parliament, so what's Hone's excuse? John Key is very hard working, don't you worry about that.

  6. #2476
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    Your reading comprehension needs some attention, cuzzie. I didn't say it wasn't spelt correct. I said it was not a double-entendre, which you acknowledge once it was pointed out. The real problem, cuzzie, with trying to appear smarter than you are is that you fail and look sillier and sillier with every post. Is this typical of National supporters? ... But please don't stop ... Your efforts are a constant source of amusement. And a wonderful insight to the type of person that National relies on for votes.

    Still delusional ... You really do have an extremely inflated opinion of yourself. Are you seeing anyone for it?
    Read what I write not what you think you read. This seems to your problem, lack of attention. I said, "You have taken up role as the spelling police on a word that was not even miss-spelled BTW, just the wrong meaning of a word, that was your mistake." and that is exactly what I meant. I was referring to this post by you:
    Quote Originally Posted by belgarion View Post
    The only one waiting is you with your ever-so-fragile ego (and poor spelling).

    That was replying to my post here:
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuzzie View Post
    Come on, tell us belboy. Any further delay in coming up with where, "I was hounded off another share formum for being an obnoxious idiot", will just further cement what I would think must be a growing opinion that you tell little fairy stories to entertain your own little mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuzzie View Post
    We are all waiting to here your explanation!
    Wrong again belg. I think you have got that sinking feeling - again. Why do you do it to yourself aye?

    My mistake was the wrong use of here instead of hear. No spelling mistake as the incorrect word here is spelled correctly. Do you comprehend? So lack of comprehension on your part finds you with egg on your face - again. You presumed and got it wrong once more. I did say "a spelling mistake" as it was my post and that is what I wanted to say for me. In your arrogance you have decided that you would make my statement "a spelling mistake" and change it to what you think I should of said.
    belg. you are a very arrogant control freak. Read my written words and quote from that, not what you think I should say for you. Clearly you have massive problems, and as you use the word, "delusional" quite often, then I feel this is a word that has been thrown at you multiple times over the years.
    Once more belg. read my written words and then quote from them. Everybody else does except you. EZ has no problems here - just you.
    Last edited by Cuzzie; 30-01-2014 at 01:20 PM.

  7. #2477
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    Nov 2013

    Default Around 80% of these MPs here are Labour-Greens. Go figure"

    belg. looks like all the Labour support is heading south, even EZs posts have dried up. That would be because he knows not to post when the Govt. is on a roll and your man is stuffing up. Smart move by EZ, which just leaves you.
    In an effort to make this more interesting, I've looked at another website to try and find more support (God knows you need it) for Labour and I found this: sure you read all the comments below. Oh no, looks like I failed as there are not so many good words said about your man. Never mind at least the article is a good read. Enjoy, I did.

    Oh that's right, belg if you are going to quote me from this post, please quote what I have said and not what you think I may have said.

  8. #2478
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    belg, more abuse and nothing at all to support Labour. Mental breakdown - please. That did make me laugh, you know I really do think you are telling us more & more about yourself every time you post.

    Back on the subject, the latest report from Victoria University has National up & Labour down after the State of the nation speeches.
    National is expected to win 43.06% of the party vote (up from 42.96% last week), Labour 33.17% (down from 34.07%) and the Green Party 9.59% (up from 9.29%).

    So it's National neck & neck with the Labour and Green combined totals. Nice, I'm liking this.

    belg if you are going to quote me from this post, please quote what I have said and not what you think I may have said, oh yeah and have a go at talking the topic and try to drop your immature ravings. Give it a go, who knows you might feel better for it.

  9. #2479
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    I have been waiting for the interweb to kick in at work, that's all. It's winding up to something useful now.

    Here's the latest bit of madness from the National Govt (the Air Force division). Despite politicians saying how great it is that we have a small aviation aircraft industry right here in NZ (most of it in Hamilton), the Air Force is going to place a contract with the USA's Beechcraft for 15 small turboprop trainers and 30 years of backup. Thanks a lot.

  10. #2480
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    EZ they had no other option. They went prudently with a company that already has over 800 reliable aircraft of this type in operation around the World. The NZ company suggested an aircraft that has not even been built yet and could not provide detailed costings nor did it include a simulator.
    It would have been irresponsible (to the taxpayer) of the Government to sign up to something like that !
    Last edited by iceman; 30-01-2014 at 03:54 PM. Reason: spelling

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