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  1. #5241
    Join Date
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    No blinkers here Belge but thanks for not disappointing me with your comments.

  2. #5242
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    As a regular follower of sharetrader I get the impression that this thread is dominated by older probably retired men with fairly fixed views on politics and policy.
    As is usual at this stage in an election I have not made up my mind on who to vote for. I know who I won't vote for. National, Act, Mana, or Dotcom 's party.
    The Labour, Greens, and NZ First all have some policies I agree with – even National but I am firmly of the view they have too many far right members in the party which makes them dangerous to the NZ way of life.
    Since the days of Regan and Thatcher it has become obvious there is a movement to reduce Govt. services, eliminate the power of the unions, lower taxation, remove welfare and generally allow the wealthy to retain there rightful place in society.
    Hager has exposed the methods used by the far right of National to destroy the credibility of anyone considered a danger.
    Labour has yet to show it has recovered from the influence of Douglas but there are signs they are becoming more responsive to the needs of the average New Zealander.
    So there you go. Interesting times.


  3. #5243
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    Hi westerly. An interesting perspective there and I agree with a lot of it. Not sure about the Douglas influence bit though. Labour managed to slough off Rogernomics - or, live it down sufficiently to win in the Helen Clark era. Just a strong leader and weak opposition at the time? Or other factors?

  4. #5244
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    Christchurch, , France.


    The "tyranny of the majority" is the necessary "price" of democracy. The only alternative is "the tyranny of the few" who think they know better than the majority and are always ready to tell them what to do. Always "knowing better than the majority" is a type of mental maladjustment. Letting these people be in charge of society is the ultimate disaster because there are no checks and balances against them and they will resolutely refuse to give up power because "they know better".
    People such as Belge.
    I warrant that the majority get it wrong far less than the elitist few including inverted snobs like Belge.

    Vive Democracy!

  5. #5245
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    Wainui, New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Major von Tempsky View Post
    The "tyranny of the majority" is the necessary "price" of democracy. The only alternative is "the tyranny of the few" who think they know better than the majority and are always ready to tell them what to do. Always "knowing better than the majority" is a type of mental maladjustment. Letting these people be in charge of society is the ultimate disaster because there are no checks and balances against them and they will resolutely refuse to give up power because "they know better".
    People such as Belge.
    I warrant that the majority get it wrong far less than the elitist few including inverted snobs like Belge.

    Vive Democracy!
    Well put Major... even the 'few' should be able to understand democracy, it's really quite simple..........

  6. #5246
    The Good Banksie's Avatar
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    This made me smile:

    One solution he proffered to reduce greenhouse gas emissions included the development of a flock of low methane producing sheep...

    but I looked it up and it is true, we are leading the world in the quest to create low-emission (fartless) sheep.

    All we have to do now is work on creating low-bs politicians

  7. #5247
    The Good Banksie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ari View Post
    Well put Major... even the 'few' should be able to understand democracy, it's really quite simple..........
    It is not quite that simple...there are many cases in history where the few were the first to see that an idea was immoral or antiquated, take slavery as an example.

  8. #5248
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    Assuming that a National Government will be reelected I am of the opinion that some dormant ideologically driven policies that have been on hold will be resuscitated. By way of example
    1. Opening up ACC for private competition
    2. Selling Kiwibank
    3. Further liberation of Industrial relations legislation

    These are examples that come to mind, but there are many others.
    The compelling driver will be an analysis of risk versus opportunity. The risk is electoral backlash and the opportunity is entrenching agendas which deliver payback to wealthy supporters who want to see more neo-liberal political capital in the bank before the party is over. The pressure WILL come on to deliver their wish list comprehensively.
    Last edited by Sgt Pepper; 05-09-2014 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #5249
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    Good rises in MRP. MELCA, GNE today. Looks like the market is pricing in no Kiwipower.

  10. #5250
    Member Snapper's Avatar
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    Talked before about the lack of talent in the Labour ranks, now this! It might be Labour's "Gilmore" moment...

    Fri, 05 Sep 2014

    0 Gordon Dickson, who wrote to our reporter Lloyd Burr telling him to "grow a pair".
    By Lloyd Burr

    I get told I’m biased all the time. People on Twitter tell me I’m a Tory one day, then tell me I’m a Labour insider the next.

    Others heckle you after interviews on the campaign trail if you’ve asked tough questions. Comments on Facebook are another story.

    But I’ve never been accused of bias by a politician or candidate, not publicly or in writing anyway.

    Which is why I found it astounding when an email from Labour’s Selwyn candidate Gordon Dickson appeared in my inbox this afternoon. Wow.

    He calls me lazy, tells me I’ve failed as a journalist and finishes by telling me to “grow a pair”.

    Long story short: I first met Mr Dickson in Christchurch two days ago when Labour leader David Cunliffe was voting early.

    He approached me and ordered me to interview him, before Labour’s Ilam candidate James Macbeth Dann swiftly interrupted and ordered him away and not to give out his business cards “because they are not authorised”.

    Later, I approached Mr Dickson to see what he wanted to say. He replied “Ask the Prime Minister if he has faith in Anne Tolley, Minister of Police. Thank you”. He walked off.

    When he refused to elaborate, I told him I wasn’t prepared to ask questions blind. He accused me of being a National Party insider – but left with my business card.

    Two days later I got this astonishing email.

    Here’s the letter, verbatim – complete with original spelling and formatting:

    Attention My L Burr

    Political Reporter


    Press gallery

    Parliament Buildings

    Molesworth Street


    Dear Lazy,

    Thank you for your time the other day when at the early voting with M P David Cunliffe and myself in Riccarton Christchurch At which you at the second attempt managed to recorded my questions of the National Party's candidate and current Prime Minister John Keys relating to his confidence or otherwise of another cabinet Minister. This one being the Minister of Police Hon. Anne Tolley of Ohope Beach in the Eastern Bay of Plenty and National Party candidate for the East Coast electorate. Anne Tolley is contesting the seat against current Labour List M P Moana Mackey

    As I havent heard back from you with John Keys answers I can only assume you have failed to ask the Prime Minister and hence seek the reasons? To fail to be carry out such a simple task begs the question are you unable, unwilling, lazy or perhaps protecting this National Party candidate from public scrutiny

    Please remember John has had to accept the resignation of one Cabinet Minister recently. A M P Judith Collins Perhaps that has escaped your attention Lazy

    Perhaps you are lazy? To help you rediscover your previously perceived role in our society i. e the "fourth estate" I attach a copy of my formalised request already in the possession of the Prime Minister and the National Board of Directors as well

    Kindly prove you are not lazy and not afraid to ask a reasonable request of John Key by another Political party Give him the opportunity and please do not yourself, like last time tell me "of course he will have confidence in the Minister of Police" (he said that about the Minister of Justice) Let him answer please Lazy

    When you fail to do a reasonable job of reporting in a fair and even basis is there an avenue of redress for members of the public to explore? Perhaps you are a member of an association or similar Kindly advise Lazy

    I await your response and as you will see on my blog this is not the first failure by the media to protect our society from dirty politics

    Have a nice weekend and grow a pair

    Regards Gordon

    Gordon J Dickson


    Authorised by Gordon John Dickson 6a Kidman Street, Rolleston Canterbury New Zealand

    How on earth did this man make it through Labour’s selection process and win the nomination to contest the Selwyn seat?

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