Quote Originally Posted by BFG View Post
Hoop, would you then consider the dollar as manipulated then as noted in the gold thread? I know you look for clear indicators as to whether a trade is, but if there is a lack of any sensibility does it also suggest manipulation? I noted a downtrend line over the past year from 95 cent high but there are frequent bull traps with breaks (this could be yet another).

Meanwhile, dairy trade down ANOTHER 3%. There has to be repercussions of this at some point...

BFG it might be a case of both the AUD and NZD being weak ...tumbling Dairy prices vs tumbling Iron ore, Oil etc ......reading a few of the posts from KW paints a pretty negative picture over the ditch . My pick is RBA to cut rates , so I would imagine although dairy getting a kicking until housing under control in Auck , RBNZ on hold Kiwi will appreciate vs the AUD over the next year .