Quote Originally Posted by NeverQuestion View Post

I don't mean to alarm

But unfortunately the property market has crashed in China (earlier this year). ...
I think Chinese prices have fallen but not crashed. For one thing you need to have a 30% deposit to buy a property in China. Maybe we should have that here too - or higher - for investors. Interesting article from the FT "What next? A China housing crash?" http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/8d3c2...#axzz3iYIQDN00

I think there will be continued demand for NZ property by Chinese investors. Chinese capital controls are loosening, so any cooling in their economy and reduced purchasing power of their currency may be off-set by that. NZ also has a weak currency at the moment because of commodity price uncertainty. Plus, NZ will still be regarded as a safe haven for Chinese investors. I think NZ should still introduce Australian-style measures restricting foreign buyers to new properties.