A newsletter just went out today, there are a few things in in im not so sure are good for investors - it sounds like they are going to artificially force interest rates for investors down - if this happens im out

"When there aren’t enough Investor bids in the Marketplace at a price that will allow a loan to settle we step in and fund the gap. "

"We’re making a small change to the the rates you can bid which will be active by the end of this week. "

"To resolve the issue of large rate fluctuations we're seeing, we're going to set a market clearing rate. Investor bids can only be placed 0.50% above or below this rate. The market clearing rate will increase or decrease gradually depending on the direction of bidding so rates will still move up and down but without getting influenced by outlier bids.

The benefit will be more competitive rates for creditworthy Borrowers (so they take up the loans) and more investment opportunities. The market rate for investors is going to be initially set at 8.00% which is where loans are currently being matched."

Quote Originally Posted by unhuman View Post
The interest rates and ease of set up are the main attractions for P2P.

Website looks to be fixed now, placed an investment order for a secured loan. Lets see how long it takes to fill.

Does anyone know if there ahs been any marketing by Squirrel?