Quote Originally Posted by STMOD View Post
This is disappointing, but illustrated how things can get out of hand quickly.

"Moderators do not read every single post on this forum" was meant to mean that the Moderators do not read every single post on this forum and not also mean that Moderators only read reported posts. I think we deserve a little more credit than that.

Otherwise as stated earlier there is no intention of discussing individual bans.

The intention is to move the debate forwards.

I agree, it is disappointing but healthy nevertheless, that at this juncture that a debate is sought.

Many might not realise that STMOD is multiple identities, some privileged members, another with ultimate influence. The small differences in 'current user title' is perhaps lost on some, perhaps many? Explaining that would be a good start, along with what the role and powers of a moderator really is.

My suggestion fwiw is an amnesty. That STMOD, the really angry guy, who decides ST online life and death, gives everyone in say the past year who has been banned or decided to leave an opportunity to return.

(I should add that STMOD, I can't tell which one(s), has been equally as hard on me four times [and I deserved most of them in hindsight] as he has been concerned for my well being!)

STMOD, you have their emails, invite them back, all of them, offering contrition and a definition of consequence. Restate the rules if it helps. Maybe those who are banned won't come back, maybe they will, I hope they will, all of them. We miss them, we miss the healthy debate, albeit sometimes heated. That's life, people have differing opinions, better to hear the opinion and debate it, sometimes battle it, than censor it forever.

ST now lacks a certain colour and vibrancy without those folk who have been around a long time, are very astute and in the past twelve months or so suffered the ignominy of being permanently banned, or banned frequently enough, or for sufficient time as to decide with the delete button.

Jmho, trying to progress the debate. Think amnesty, bring back the quality, and the colour.