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Thread: New Forum Rules

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Still not sure what value this adds. And fraught with difficulty. For example I've posted on the RIS thread. What do you want to know. That I am a holder, how many I own (couldn't tell you - no idea), How much I paid for them (no idea - came from some convoluted backdoor process), How much are they worth now (no Idea since I dont know how many I hold)

    Say I want to contribute to PEB of which I hold none. So I'm going to tell you I hold 20,000. Happy now?

    Having or not having skin in the game I dont think adds anythng other than nosey parkers seeing what I hold. It doesn't enhance my ability to analyse the issues and have an opinion. Its a forum afterall. The most respected opinions ought to be the ones backed by evidence

    And Rule One - I guess it gets up my nose when people take offence on behalf of others. For example I have been called all sorts of things in threads. I've a thick skin and dont take offence. I'd be mortified if someone complained on my behalf - I'm quite able to do it myself. I accept there are some thinner skinned people. This is a sharetrader forum not some nancy world where we need to be looking after the vulnerable - they should stay on the TradeMe message boards. If a person cant take a bit of stick being in the sharemarket probably isn't for them - and if they are upset they ought to have a free call to the Mods to call a halt.
    I agree--Some have been involved with a share ,have bought and sold for a very good reason--there is no reason why they shouldnt be able to voice that reason--It may save someone elses skin---We all like good things to happen--and we dont like bad things to happen--but when bad things happen ,learning damage control is a valuable asset.

    Im assuming BB you are referring to the Hot copper style with the holding or not holding tick--I personally dont have a problem letting people know if Im not currently holding--but while I dont like down rite meanness ,I also find that many things are becoming over regulated. I personally would not like to go further down that road.

    I guess many have noticed that there are some who have become more or less the official ''spokesman'' for a number of companies. Its an interesting phenomena and Im not going to comment on whether its a good or bad thing,except to say that with that much skin in the game it is possibly easier to take offense and many spats have originated from this situation. Thats a hard one because anyone who has put in so much energy is pretty extra ordinary if they are not more attached--guess its just good to bear that in mind.

    Sarcasm?--Well that would be pretty difficult to enforce but maybe a gentle reminder to habitual offenders?

    And lastly...Let's not forget the difference between guidelines and hard core rules

    PS-I hope the majority find playing the devils advocate sometimes and trying to think outside the box a bit is not to disruptive.
    Last edited by skid; 13-12-2015 at 04:35 PM.


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