V interesting thread to come across.

Have never delved into equities / exposure outside of NZ/AUS. Last December I was bearish on international equities and the subsequent flow down effects, but there seems to have been nothing stopping markets. Now I find myself somewhat tempted in international exposure given the stellar run of late but always reluctant when the market continues to run ahead of itself for so long...

Apologies if all this has already been covered (new to this thread), but what I have a few questions for learning purposes more than anything:

1) thoughts on ETFs, particularly in somewhere like Europe (appreciate they have risen back a bit but potential for them to move further given PE comparison to the US and comparative growth) ?

2) how do you see a correction playing out if one is to come? Does one big event trigger a built-up re adjustment, or does the smart money say enough is enough and slowly withdraw?

3) how big do you see the effect in NZ should international markets run out of steam?

Appreciate not easy questions- interested in any views! Just trying to tap some better minds than mine . Cheers